Couple of things that seem odd to me from the get go:
2 Tac-Squads combat squaded in droppods. so 5 guys were in each pod. But one tac-squad can only ever purchase one dedicated transport, he could only have 2 of the 5 man squads in the pods and the other 2 units 5 five on the table then.
Drop-Pod assault states that half the number of pods, rounding up, arrives in your first turn. If you only have 2 Pods, only one of those pods may arrive turn 1.
Only option to have those 2 droppods come in first turn would be to buy the other 2 10 man tac-squads a droppod each as well and have them land empty later in the game.
Long story short: I think you played it wrong on some end, not sure which one though.
Edit: Ok, he squaded them after landing so that explains part of the issue
I'll edit this post once I'm done reading the report, but I had to write that thought down before something else crosses my mind again
Edit Edit:
Good battle report and good game, not a perfect one, but you definitely learned some things. I like the parts where you reflected on what you have done and what you maybe should have done different. Good move with the jetbikes to force the tie. Sometimes you just can't do anything else. Killpoints are tough for us anyway.
You also had some bad luck with some lowly tactical marines blowing up three of your transports turn 1.