My current tournament/ undefeated list:
Succubus - Archite Glaive, Armor of Misery, Haywire grenades
5 trueborn - 4 blasters (in a venom)
5 trueborn - 4 blasters (in a venom)
5 trueborn - 4 blasters (in a venom)
5 kabalites - 1 blaster (in a venom)
5 kabalites - 1 blaster (in a venom)
Dedicated transports:
2 raiders, both with lance (for the grots)
Fast Attack:
2 Razorwings - 2 dark lances each ( stock missiles )
6 reaver jetbikes - 2 blasters, 2 cluster caltrops
Heavy support:
1 ravager - 3 lances
Formation: grotesquerie
3 grots (stock)
3 grots (stock)
1 haemonculus (stock)
-The tactic behind it is simple, but allows for many playable scenarios. The grots are in the two raiders, split into 2 groups. The succubus goes with 3 grots while the haemonculus goes with the other 3. Grots have to be the best units for your melee special characters. The succubus benefits from majority toughness of 5, while the grots get AP 2 support. Its a win effin win. It gets better, on the grotesquery chart, you can roll +1 toughness making this unit now toughness 6. They turbo boost turn one, most of the time, straight at the enemy. If I don't get first turn, I literally hide everything behind cover.
- the reavers literally die almost every time. Why have them? Well, they allow for my Ravager to take a few pot shots at a tank, or cause the enemy to have to chose between multiple threats, like my advancing grotesques. It synergizes well because Everything is on the board except for the 2 flyers. Sometimes I even stick them out to purposely get shot at for these reasons. They barely do anything besides grab last minute objectives and worry my opponent.
- While trueborn are weak, they have strength in numbers. Not only that but they are in a jinkable paper bag, which can move 12inches and allow for that 18 inch "assault" weapon to now be a 30" threat. redundancy is key here, why have 1 group when you can easily fit 3 in an 1850 point list? Try taking out an entire farsight battle suit team in one go. These guys get the job done, especially with that strength 8 instakilling anything with toughness 4. The important thing here, is that my trueborn ARE NOT the ALL STAR of my list, they work because I use the grots to distract my enemy while the trueborn come from behind. Before my enemy even thinks about my trueborn, my grots are already being shoved down his throat. If you think your all star archon+trueborn+WWP in a raider is going to win the game your doing it must have multiple star threats and redundancy.
- the razorwings come in, usually turn 2 and 3, and unload their payload of 4 missiles each, which are amazing btw. 1 razorwing killed 46 orc boyz with its 4 large blast templates in 1 turn. WHen they both come in? EVEN BETTER! having 8- strength 6 large blast templates is insane. Especially when your running against the new dark angels 3+ rerollable jink Death star. This guy clumped about about 30 bikes, including his 11 man death star unit. I targeted a different unit, hoping for scatter so they couldn't jink. Sure enough I killed most of his death star with 1 go.
NEVER EVER WWP in GROTS! it's a waist of 35 points to have an assault based unit out in the open not able to charge for an entire turn. Raiders turbo boost across the board anyways.
While the grots go to town, everything pretty much stays in the backline or advances, while unloading shots everywhere. Sometimes if my enemy has a super heavy, I just completely ignore it. Target prioritization has to be the single most important thing to keep in mind when playing dark eldar. People cannot and should not "catch" you as dark eldar / eldar . If they do your playing them wrong....use that to your advantage. Kite EM!
- In this list , im not sacrificing object secure, because of allied detachment. Im not running Lords of war, which usually give the opponent extra victory points if they do 3+ wounds to it. Use that kind of stuff to your advantage. While on paper, this list might not look like much, it packs a freakin punch, able to deal with many lists. Sure, think of a counter to it, pre-meditated. That doesn't happen In tournaments. Lots of things look good on paper but the physical board is the true test of any list.
IM working on a list for the las vegas open. something along the lines of 7-9 venoms, 3 units of trueborn and 4-5 squads of warriors all with MAX blasters. You max the hell out of each squad. Then fit as many grotesques as you can with points left over. Just a fun a idea.
Apologize ahead for any spelling mistakes. I'm typing this in between customers at work. AGAIN if ya need some advice just email me! I'm always willing to help out fellow dark kin.