Observe: There were some minor turbulence with rules in the game.
One day at a battlefield the Angels met a gruesome end...ArmiesMy side:
Warriors x5 + cannon (In venom)
Warriors x5 (on foot)
Wyches x9 and Succubus (In Raider)
Scourges x5
6 grots + HQ w. webway portal
2 Talos pain engines
Enemy side:
2x6 marines in Razortanks w. lascannons
Bikers x3
Devastators x10
Terminators x5 w. Thunder hammers
FieldMiddle: Ruins of a city
Left flank: Tower
Right flank: Large building and some cover
Objective positions:
Lower left flank, middle, upper right flank.
DeploymentWon the initiative roll, which gave me a huge advantage.
Deployed scourges along with talosi and footed warriors on left flank. Deployed skimmers on right flank. This split my opponent. He now had to focus on both sides.
Opponent deployed his tanks in the middle. He deployed devastators and bikers on (my) right flank.
OutcomeTurn 1, me:
Units on left flank move out. Venom moves to building, unseen.
Moves bikers and tanks. Kills a warrior.
Turn 2, me:
Grots deep strike in front of devastators. Scourges take position in tower on left flank. They now reach the inner city. Talosi move in cover. Venom fires at bikers.
Casualties: 2 bikers.
Disembarks one unit and fires devastators at grots, inflicting seven wounds after FNP. Three wounds heal due to
it will not die special rule.
Turn 3, me:
Scourges kill razortank in the inner city. Talosi assault it's troops. Grots assault devastators. Venom fires at disembarked troops. Raider then snipes troop, killing enemy warlord.
Casualties: 2 devastators, 5 marines, razor, librarian.
Terminators deep strike to my grots. Razor move to battle my talosi. Grots kills remaining devastators.
Casualties: 3 devastators.
Turn 4, me:
Scourges move into cover in the city. Talosi kill a tank. Grots kill remaining devastators. Venom fires.
Casualties: Razor, biker, 5 devastators.
Assaults grots. Kills one. Assaults talosi with five marines on the middle objective.
Casualties: 1 grot, three marines.
Turn 5, me:
Raider moves to disembark wyches at terminators. Combat.
Casualties: 2 terminators, two marines.
Opponent: Combat: Terminators against my grots. They inflict wounds but my grots regenerate.
Casualties: 3 terminators.
Turn 6:
My succubus taints the last of the terminators. She gives him a shot at killing her. He swings his axe and she evades. He suffers twelve wounds from the grots, dying at my succubus feet.
SummaryMy casualties: 1 warrior, 1 grot
Enamy casualties: Everything
Points: 11 - 0 to DE