Generally our HQs are "tax" units, so try to keep them as cheap as possible. I belive you only get use of one CCW during assault, so there is no point in paying the extra 10 pts for the SH when you already have poisen on the Agonizer.
I personally like Ravagers better than trueborn. This is because it is cheaper, is the only thing running AV 11 in our army, and have double the range of the Trueborn. Experiment with both, and see which you prefer. Dissie Ravagers are our best anti TEQ unit, but our poison weapons are almost as good. Because of this I have been running them as specific AT units recently, and leave all AI to our venoms.
I see that you are liking Incubi, but I would recomend switching them out for Grots. Basically the same damage output, but significantly tougher.
Our FA slot is great. Take a look at reavers, scourges, and even empty Venoms with dual SCs. All great stuff.
Lastly, our named HQs are garbage. All other armies get cool named HQs that give army wide buffs. We do not. Dont take them, instead build a cheap generic HQ and plan on him dying by the end of T3.