My local game shop is running a 1200 point tournament, using the most recent FAQ.
I have signed up to play and I need help putting together a 1200 point competitive list. From what I know of the Meta I will be playing against a ton of Marines, some Eldar, AM, and Orks. Basically, I need a "take all comers" list.
I have most models in the DE range, missing only Grots, any Court options, and Forge World money pits. However, I can get those within a few weeks if I need to. The tourney will be on Oct. 30, so that will give me time to build and paint whatever I decide to go with.
Last time I played at the shop was just for fun and pretty much everyone I played had a cheese list with max (insert various OP mechanics) spam for whatever army they played. So I can only imagine what they will bring to a tournament.
Lend me your expertise fellow Archons!
Oh, and the Mission will be a King of the Hill type.