Hi one and all,
This is my first post on the Dark City and my first foray into the depths of Commorragh! I'm new to playing 40K and to the Dark Elves and have, until recently, only painted my other army - 4500pts Tau. To learn more about the Dark Eldar, I've been lurking on FB pages and have listened to the entire back catalogue of the mighty Splinermind Podcast.
I'm about to start my own Kabal, the Kabal of the Twisted Hornet, by building and painting the first 1500pts. I've got the units I need to do this and will update my post with the basic list once I'm happy with it.
My aim is to keep the Kabal 100% Dark Eldar only, no allies. Taht being said, I like the idea of trying to paint diamonds so maybe a unit or two of Harlies are not out of the question???
I've got my colour scheme nailed down (more on this in future posts) and now I'm waiting for my paints to be delivered. I'm only going to play with painted models so painting and hobby updates will follow long before batreps.
I'm really exceited to start painting my DE army, (finally) playing 40K but most of all, I'm looking forward to meeting a load of new people here on the Dark City.
Updates will follow soon!