Just been watching a few battle reports and seeing people's lists so I wanted to try a list to handle a few situations. It's very different from what I'm used to, as I was a heavy Venom Spam list in 5th, 6th and 7th and I really liked that army.
Just from my observations, games will be played a shorter range from each other than what we were used to so I decided I needed shooting couple with elements of a counter charge so that when the enemy comes in close I have units that can beat them back hard. Apologies if it isn't strict dark eldar but you just really want ynnari on your shooty dark eldar as power from pain won't be the best for them. I indulged a bit of waste in the list by taking the Yncarne but I actually don't think he is that bad in this edition and I want to see what he's got in my first games because he is so neat.
List 2000 Points
Dark Eldar Vanguard Detachment
Farseer Singing Spear =120
Mandrakes x9 =171
Mandrakes x9 =171
Incubi x 5 =90
Venom for Incubi, x2 Splinter Cannons =95
Razorwing Flock x 9 =63
Ynnari Spearhead Detachment
Yncarne (Warlord, probably take the extra 6+ ignore wound as warlord trait) =337
Scourges x5, x4 Dark Lance =150
Scourges x5, x4 Dark Lance =150
Ravager x3 Dark Lances, Shock Prow =156
Ravager x3 Dark Lances, Shock Prow =156
Ravager x3 Dark Lances, Shock Prow =156
Ravager x3 Disintegrators = 185
Just some thoughts on the list. I'm unsure about the incubi but it wanted to give them a try. Perhaps they need a better army to support them with and I could just as easily trade for mandrakes or something. I am a big fan of mandrakes if you weren't aware and I want to give them a try here before I judge if they are too expensive.
I went with a farseer for doom, as I feel now more than ever because of model's getting more durable, focus firing a model down is important. His other power would honestly just be fortune because but most likely he sticks to smiting and dooming things.
Yncarne is obvious Word of the Pheonix and Ancestor's Grace. The reroll ones on the scourges or Ravagers is good and so is the soulburst. I have seen people argue you can Pheonix the Ravagers but I'm unsure. I think starting the scourges on the board is fine if going first and then you can soulburst with one if the other dies meaning you technically have 3 units of scourges.
I'm expecting a lot of deepstrike first turn try to charge so I have flocks as a very disposable screen and then I have the incubi to counter charge or to rush up, hide and assasinate. The mandrakes also drop in for some sheer brutality. They can shoot at one unit and if it's doomed can do some surprising damage if I get 6's. In this way, if my opponent throws anything at me early, I have the Yncarne, 2 units of mandrakes and the incubi to kick the crap out of it.
Anyways I bet there are better lists. This is just the one I want to try for my first games to see how it fairs out.