My first CWE list in 3rd ed was a swordwind with 1 of every aspect warrior so I really appreciate the theme you have!
Personally, I feel like the scorpions and banshees are to small, unit size wise - I would likely roll them into a single unit of 1 type - or perhaps drop the small avenger unit to add models to both units? Scorpions in the horde environment could be very welcome in 10 model units
I get the use of eldrad - either as an outcast Ulthwe or as a counts as Bieltan head seer. Had you perhaps considered swapping him for a normal farseer plus an autarch?
By doing so you add theme - since the Autarchs lead the sword wind - and on the table top he is a great tool box character. A Banshee mask plus a fusion gun and power sword would be a welcome addition to the scorpions or banshees for the reroll 1's and the extra punch he can bring. It also still leaves you with solid psychic support - farseers are still good choices after all.
Personally, I prefer different load outs on my serpents but I can see why you might have chosen the way you have.