This is the list a just used for my local kick off event, ended up coming in 5th after the event got cut one round short as we played outside and everyone was miserable and sunburnt.
Patrol Detachment
Patrol detachment: 456
HQ: 76
Total: 76
Troops: 95
Kabbalite Warriorsx5 -35
Phantasm grenade launcher -3
Agoniser -4
Blaster -15
Total: 57
Kabbalite warriorsx5 -35
Phantasm grenade launcher -3
Total: 38
Dedicated transports: 285
Venom -65
Splinter cannonx2 -30
Venom -65
Splinter cannonx2 -30
Venom -65
Splinter cannonx2 -30
Air Wing detachment: 544
Razorwing jetfighter -115
Disintegrator cannonx2 -60
Total: 175
Razorwing jetfighter -115
Disintegrator cannonx2 -60
Total: 175
Voidraven bomber -169
Dark scythex2 -0
Voidraven missles -25
Total: 194
Command points: 4
Grand total: 1000
The idea was the only include vehicles with the hard to hit rule, punishing overcharge plasma, necron tesla, etc.
The only list i lost to was a double demon prince, herald, lord of skulls list, may look at expanding the theme.