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 Incubi Madness, 2000p

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeTue Nov 01 2011, 19:13

Hey. So ive been posting a couple of different lists lately that i'm about to try out. Most often i find myself investing into atleast one Webway Portal but i thought i should post something without now.

This is a list i never had the chance to try out, i am sure going to but i need to get my Harlequin Themed lists ready since they are coming out in "finecast". I just can't resist playing them then.

Anyway this is a take on a more Incubi heavy list. Some CC and some shooting, nothing fancy really but just something to change things up with.

Archon: PGL, Agoniser, Shadow field 135

6 Incubis: raider with flickerfield 202
5 Incubis: klaivex, venom with 2 SC 190
5 Incubis: klaivex, venom with 2 SC 190

10 Wyches: heka with agoniser, haywires, raider with flickerfield 220
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC 125
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC 125
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC 125
5 Warriors: blaster, raider with flickerfield 130
5 Warriors: blaster, raider with flickerfield 130

Ravager: flickerfield 115
Ravager: flickerfield 115
Voidraven Bomber: 4 mono, flickerfield 195

Total: 1997

So i would probably be better of with making the Voidraven into a Razorwing and dropping one wych to add a Haemonculus for the Wyches, however i'm giving the Voidraven a shot.

Any thoughts or perhaps someone who tried a simmillar list out?

"I'm a mean son of a gun. I do not shoot to kill, i shoot to wound."
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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02 2011, 10:17

i have 20 of the new incubi in metal and have been itching to try a list like this... with Drazhar of course!

Objective Secured - Western Australia's Premier 40k Event Organisers and Website
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02 2011, 20:48

The shattershard missiles (in case I mixed up name, the Str 7 with reroll to wound) are a little better for the void raven. The void raven pays the same price for both, the razorwing has to pay to upgrade to shattershards. I have been using 2 razorwings with monoscythes and a void raven with shattershards, the shattershards are almost always better (monoscythes are very slightly ahead vs IG, eldar guardians, and dark eldar warriors/hellions without cover), not better enough to upgrade on a razorwing though.
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeWed Nov 02 2011, 21:17

I like seeing an incubus heavy list. Always a good time.
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03 2011, 08:02


Yeah i am very tempted to give it a go in the nearest future. I am however leaving for a 1500p team tournament tomorrow morning so it will have to wait until i am back.

Regarding monoscythes or shattershards i guess you have a point there. I mainly picked the mono's by default since it is always that i run on the razorwing, but you do have a point.

"I'm a mean son of a gun. I do not shoot to kill, i shoot to wound."
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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03 2011, 13:17

I question the point of the Voidraven in the list - the missiles are clearly marking it as a troop hunter - but that's the job of those Venoms and the Incubi, and Incubi most assuredly require only limited amounts of softening up a foe before they assault.

On the tank hunting side it's wasting its missiles and is of questionable superiority to a regular ol' Ravager.

I'd probably like to see the squads Incubi bulked up a bit. If you're going for the impact of Incubi you really want them to carry the day a bit, and also for them to be carrying the day. The two possible thoughts are to add a few more bodies into all of the squads via trimming back the VR to a Ravager and perhaps slicing out some Wyches. The other thought is to actually get a second Archon, and go with two units of Incubi, both with PGLs so that your boys can storm through cover unimpeded.

Incubi Madness, 2000p K93hWhs
Incubi Madness, 2000p L1RsnGX
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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03 2011, 21:32

I actually like the Incubi squads, not sure about their rides. If you want to keep them in Venoms, harassing before committing, NS would seem a nice fit. My first thought for these guys would be a (Shock Prow) Raider though.

Secondly, you're low-ish on AT, and as Thor said that Voidraven isn't really helping so by all means swap it for a 3rd Rav. Considering the 'lack' of Blasterborn in your list, your Raider/Venom count may be slightly off.

Lastly, this is a minor point, between Incubi and Wyches there are quite a few candidates for Pain token boosting Haemys. The sooner Incubi get to FC the better.

~ Drazhar, Master of Blades
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 03 2011, 23:13

Thank you for the replies.

that is some exellent points Thor. the voidraven becomes more of a gimmick in this list and I would be better if with a ravager here. Also there are things to be done here with the points. The wyches will most likely be good at keeping something nasty busy, but perhaps I can make them cheaper and see about getting a rader for another squad of incubis and a few more bodies along with a second archon.

That would make it alot more competetive. Thanks.

Im going to grabbi some sleep noel but il write down the list tomorrow on the plane.

"I'm a mean son of a gun. I do not shoot to kill, i shoot to wound."
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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 04 2011, 02:03

Interesting list.

Take out the two 5 man Incubi, duplicate the 6 man and the archon.
Exchange the bomber for another Ravager.
Add 2 Incubi to each squad.
And you're left with 35 points to add 3 flickerfields to those without.
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 10 2011, 20:15

So ive made a few changes to the list.

3 x Haemonculus: liquifier guns

6 Incubis: raider, flickerfield, shock prow, torment grenade launcher
6 Incubis: raider, flickerfield, shock prow, torment grenade launcher
6 Incubis: raider, flickerfield, shock prow, torment grenade launcher

10 Wyches: haywires, hekatrix, raider with flickerfield, torment grenade, shock prow
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 SC

Ravager: flickerfield
Ravager: flickerfield
Ravager: flickerfield


So i dropped the Archon with the PGL. Well yeah i know i have to be more careful about what i assault with these kind of units. However with some tactics they should pick of fights that isnt to shabby. With 3+ / 4+ they can handle some when coming into combat even if they don't strike fist.

This will be the setup i'l give it a try later on.

"I'm a mean son of a gun. I do not shoot to kill, i shoot to wound."
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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 12 2011, 07:37

I came to a similar list (though i dropped the prows, TGL on the 4 vehicles in favour of all raiders rather then venoms and added grisly trophies with what was left over)

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 26 2011, 08:10

How will the list play with GK?

I mean each and every squad packs weapons that strikes faster than incubi, wound them on 3+.
Even in their standart troops.I dont even start on these damnable grenades.

You cant atack neither dreads nor razors with Incubi, meaning there can be situation when you cant atack *any* squad in GK army, because you will be facing loosing battle.

5 venoms is good and well - but obviously targer priority target A+, noone in GK army will fear incubi.

I thought of some solution when you wolvepack one squad of them with 2 yours to get FC for Klaivex , so he can actually outinitiative I6 marines.

I actually think incubi heavy list may be effective when 6th edition comes and there will be directed wounds.
If it will be so - yeah , Drazhar will be god of battle with his rules , he will be able to pick any Halberds of IC.

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PostSubject: Re: Incubi Madness, 2000p   Incubi Madness, 2000p I_icon_minitime

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