I dont know if you guys use this strategy but it has worked out pretty well for me in a lot of games recently.
Since RJF have more or less unlimited move range you can use them as snipers to get characters. Fly
right next to them or in a way that they are the closest unit, usually behind enemy lines, and unload everything on them. A smart/experienced opponent might cover them but most times with all the moves and charges going on thats not the case.
You do get them right into the enemy's face where they can be shot at thats true but lets be honest the weapons that can do the most damage to them can target them anywhere anyways, plus they are pretty safe from nonflyer charges as well so its not like you move them to their deaths.
And from my experience when you use this strategy the opponent gets demoralised and usually spends alot of firepower to try to down them which gives you free reign for your more fragile units behind...
Well let me know your experiences with them