Hi, my name is Craig from the rainy mists of South Wales. Been playing 40k since 1998 (so around 13 years now), my first army was Dark Eldar, only now I recently got back into 40k (after a long time playing that square based nonsense called Fantasy ^^), I decided after collecting a small Space wolf and chaos marine army to re-ignite that old flame which was the dark eldar.
Having played them again I was extremely satisfied with how they played and now consider myself a full fledged Dark Eldar player. I plan to start a painting log of me working on my Dark Eldar Kabal, the Kabal of the Flayed Kin. Which is currently at 500 points but I already have reinforcements on their way to get it to 1000 points. I mostly play for fun and enjoyment as well as writing background for my army so I hope to post some while working on the log.