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 SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more

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SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more Empty
PostSubject: SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more   SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 17 2017, 12:15

So i've been using the new SOB Relic Blade on a Canoness (practicing for team tournament).

What i've notice is that she is a monster!, a freaking beast!

For those that dont know what a Canoness is, she is a 2+/2+ S3/T3 5W, 4 attacks model with Power armor and 4++. Basically... she is an Archon. Tho she cost 15pts less base.

There is 2 differences tho,
1) Her aura is Re-roll ALL to hits of 1's,
2) she can Deny on 1 dice and has a pseudo Ynnari rule.

Her new Relic weapon is a +2 3D power sword. So she is a 2+ to hit re-rolling S5 -3ap 3D 49pts character that "could" double move, double melee or regain D3 wounds.

My last game with her again an Ork player, he charged a vehicle with 5 Bikers, i was within 3" so he consolidated into me. i AoF attack to kill 2, then in my fighting phase killed the rest. Next turn i double moved to charge a warboss on bike and killed him. His other warboss then ran away from her lol (this was turn 3 and 4, i kept her back for the re-rollt o hits with my back line shooting vehicles and as an anti-charge unit).

New to Blogging, just starting

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SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more Empty
PostSubject: Re: SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more   SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 17 2017, 12:59

Quote :
he charged a vehicle with 5 Bikers, i was within 3" so he consolidated into me. i AoF attack to kill 2, then in my fighting phase killed the rest. Next turn i double moved to charge a warboss on bike and killed him.

Yikes... for 49pts that's impressive.

My Kabal
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PostSubject: Re: SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more   SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more I_icon_minitimeSun Dec 17 2017, 13:03

Mppqlmd wrote:
Quote :
he charged a vehicle with 5 Bikers, i was within 3" so he consolidated into me. i AoF attack to kill 2, then in my fighting phase killed the rest. Next turn i double moved to charge a warboss on bike and killed him.

Yikes... for 49pts that's impressive.

Well when all your attacks hits, ever 4 to wound is a dead bike, that goes for marines too, if its not a 2+ or invul, it gets no save Smile

Imagine if the Archon had that!

New to Blogging, just starting

Drukhari: 10k+
SoB: 3k
AoS: BoC 9k, CoS 3k
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SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more Empty
PostSubject: Forget the Archon!   SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 05 2019, 02:51

Take a succi w/Tri whip, cult of strife and plus 1 attack drug and Blood Dancer. 10 rolls to hit w/6s causing 3 hits and 4+ to wound and -2 ap.

If my math is right that's an average of 12 hits, 6 wounds at -2 ap...50 pts!
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PostSubject: Re: SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more   SoB new Relic and how I hate Archon even more I_icon_minitime

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