Greetings fellow Archons, as a former IG player I have decided to build a Drukhari army after the FAQ, I also kept the rule of 3 in mind if i wish for it to be competetive later, all feed back is helpful especially if i should adjust my obsessions, what relics to take or where to place my archons etc, anyway heres the list, enjoy!
Kabal of the Flayed Skull Batallion
Archon, Agoniser + Blaster 91
Archon, Agoniser + Blaster 91
Kabalite Warriors x5 30
Kabalite Warriors x5, Blaster 47
Kabalite Warriors x5, Blaster 47
Kabalite Warriors x5, Blaster 47
Raider, Disintegrator cannon + Shock prow 81
Venom, Spinter cannon + Twin splinter rifle 65
Venom, Spinter cannon + Twin splinter rifle 65
Venom, Spinter cannon + Twin splinter rifle 65
Kabal of The Black Heart Air Wing
Razorwing Jetfighter, 2 Disintegrator cannons + Twin splinter rifle 135
Razorwing Jetfighter, 2 Disintegrator cannons + Twin splinter rifle 135
Razorwing Jetfighter, 2 Disintegrator cannons + Twin splinter rifle 135
Kabal of The Black Heart Spearhead
Warlord Archon, Agoniser + Blaster + Labyrnthine of Cunning trait
Heavy Support
Ravager, 3 Disintegrator cannons 125
Ravager, 3 Disintegrator cannons 125
Ravager, 3 Disintegrator cannons 125
1500 pts on the dot. also 10 CP
So my basic plan is to have 3 archons and the 5 none blaster kabalite squad due to lack of points in the raider which i see as a command boat vehicle and i gave it a shock prow, coz i had 1 pt to spare, eventually ill make it a 2k list and will add a 500 point red grief cult battalion later down the line.
Thanks for reading through the list!