Trying my hand in a Baron list so starting small. A bit scared to go balls deep (can i say that on these forums?) so I've got my old faithful ravager combo backed with warriors on "venom-back" adding moral, anti-infantry, support. Don't judge me. Here is the list.
Baron Sathonyx 105pts
(15) Hellion w/ Helliarch holding a stun claw. 255pts
(10) Hellion w/ Helliarch, Agoniser, PGL 205pts
(6) Reavers, 2 cluster Caltrops, 2 Blasters 202pts
(1) Ravager, F. Field 115pts
(1) Ravager, F. Field 115pts
(5) Kabalite Warriors w/ Blaster mounted in a Venom donning an extra S. Cannon, 125pts
(5) Kabalite Warriors w/ Blaster mounted in a Venom donning an extra S. Cannon, 125pts
1247pts. Total.
No WWP for this list I know, and it scares me since I'm almost always packing a "Way Way" or two in my larger lists. Baron will be attached to the 15man Hellion list while the other backs them up taking advantage of cover through numbers. The Warriors can sip around on the Venoms for all I care taking objectives if need be as well. Ravagers will maintain a safe distance and shoot at whatever the Reavers might not have blown up that turn if they decide to stop long enough to do so. Tell me what you think.
Ps. Honk if you like small games.
Pss. No Tournaments were on my mind in the making of this list.