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 Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think

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PostSubject: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30 2019, 20:05

I'm just getting back into 40k, and getting my Dark Eldar army back up and running, but I came across this model on kickstarter, I'm not sure where it would fit in my army, but it just looks to badass to not get, what do you guys think, if you were to get it, what would you run it as, thanks guys, and I look forward to getting back into 40k with you guys.
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PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30 2019, 20:10

Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think 6ab1bc10

Here is a picture of it.
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Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30 2019, 20:37

Looks like a bloodthirster to me

~Kabal of the Black Dawn
~Coven of the Dark Heaven
Sarcron wrote:
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Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30 2019, 20:41

I agree that it looks like a bloodthirster, but I was more thinking how would it fit in a dark eldar army, I should mention, I also haven't played since 6th eadition, so I need to brush up on all the rules again.

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Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeTue Jul 30 2019, 23:29

In that case, I don't think it would really fit as anything. Unless, it's actually really small, you can't runas it the two main options- mandrakes or grotesques. And even then, it's a little too 'out-there' for the typical theme of grotesque. If it's actually tiny, then it could probably work for mandrakes, but looking at those skulls, no.

~Kabal of the Black Dawn
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Sarcron wrote:
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PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 31 2019, 09:40

The campaign says its about 10", which is pretty damn tall.
My suggestion would be to use it as an allied Wraithknight, or maybe as the Yncarne.
Yncarne probably is your best bet in order to keep it as a pure (ish) Drukhari army list.
Anything straight from the Drukhari Codex, this would just be too big.

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PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 31 2019, 15:15

Awesome, thanks Squidmaster, I will have to look into the Yncame, I've never heard of that unit.
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PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 01 2019, 11:36

CreapingDeath wrote:
Awesome, thanks Squidmaster, I will have to look into the Yncame, I've never heard of that unit.

Its one of the three Ynnari special characters, so you'll need to try to get hold of the updated rules that were printed in White Dwarf. April I think? Not sure. Man it would be good if they were available elsewhere.

Anyway, its special. Like an Avatar Of Khaine, but a little different.
You can take on in a Drukhari Detachment, but it doesn't break the Faction thankfully. Or you can use it to turn a Detachment into Ynnari, which is slightly different to normal Drukhari.

Kabal of the Eternal NightModelling Blog
The Squidmaster DistractathonNotes on being an RPG Gamesmaster
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PostSubject: Re: Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think   Kickstarter Campaing: Sulphureas Deamon, what do you think I_icon_minitime

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