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 Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th)

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Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) Empty
PostSubject: Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th)   Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 15 2020, 20:23

Trying to modify my list for 9th, and I find its easier to start small and work my way up. Purposefully didnt include Warlord/Relics, will figure that out later.

Coven – PoF
Haemonculus – Electrocorrosive Whip, Splinter Pistol (80)
5 Wracks (60)
3 Talos – Macro Scalpals, Stinger Pod (315)
3 Talos – Chain Flails, Stinger Pod (315)

Cult – Test of Skill + Berserk Fugue
Succubus – Archite Glave and Splinter Pistol (55)
5 Wyches (55)
9 Reavers - (180)
1 RWJF – Dissies (170)

Kabal – Flayed Skull
Archon – Huskblade, Splinter Pistol (65)
5 Warriors (45)
1 Ravager – Dissies (160)

1500 points on the dot

Reavers will be the primary recipient of Lighting Fast Reflexes, Ravager to get Fire and Fade to try and keep it alive. The front line will consist of the two groups of Taloi floating up the field with the Haemi, backed up by the other HQs. Hopefully I can deal with armor/monsters with the Taloi and the Test of Skill Cult units.

I would have liked to include Venoms for objective grabbing, or Scourges for their “cheap” access to special weapons. Would also like to fit in a few Sslyth to screen out the back field, but I don’t see anything that can get cut to make room.

Am I neglecting any power units? Did my points look right?

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Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th)   Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) I_icon_minitimeThu Jul 16 2020, 20:18

Like the list! I tried building my own 1500 Point list and the price hikes really force you to choose between different units!

If you’re worried about anti-tank, you could drop a Splinter Pod Talos (-105 Points), and get the other Talos unit Haywire Blasters (+30 Points). With the remaining points, you could give the Reavers either some Blasters/Heatlances (+45 Points/+30 Points) and add some Wracks to the unit to exploit the PoF stratagem, an additional Reaver or a Sslyth.

Points look right. Now that I think about it, Reavers seem like a pretty decent platform for weapons compared to Scourges. Sure you can get more weapons but Reavers have +1/2 Toughness and +1 wound, can benefit from Obsessions, and are still extremely mobile. My only gripe with them is that they don’t benefit from the Acrobatic Display obsession that I like using on my Wyches to get that 3++ invulnerable, but perhaps I’ll try them out!

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Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th)   Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) I_icon_minitimeFri Jul 17 2020, 19:35

Ya, been trying to look at other armies point changes, to compare to us. What I am seeing is that we need to go for Toys over Boys, which is the opposite of what we usually do.

Way too much up in the air. Generally I like to keep a few bully units to secure the middle of the board (Grots/Talos/Bullgryn/etc), but maybe that isnt required in 9th...

I think Reavers are a winning choice, but I need to get in some games to be sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th)   Triple Patrol – 1500 Coven/Cult/Kabal (9th) I_icon_minitime

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