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 1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade

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Kabalite Warrior

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1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade Empty
PostSubject: 1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade   1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 05 2021, 05:29

We're starting a points based crusade in a fairly competitive (but friendly) group. Expecting to see heavy vehicle lists and mass infantry board control lists.

Theres A LOT I really want to try in 9th and cant fit everything (even at 2k), but this is pretty damn close to a 90s list I loved and has a few tricks (assaulting vehicles on T1, turning off obsec).

Would love some C&C.

Kabal of the Poisoned Whip
Drukhari - Incursion - Eternal War ( 4CP - 1000PT - 0PT )

Drukhari Battalion Detachment
SUB-FACTIONS: The Dark Creed, Kabal of the Black Heart, Cult of the Cursed Blade, Realspace Raid

WARLORD: Archon (80) Agoniser
TRAITS: Labyrinthine Cunning
RELICS: Writ of the Living Muse

Haemonculus (80)
TRAITS: Fear Incarnate

Succubus (60)
TRAITS: Quicksilver Fighter
COMBAT DRUGS: Adrenalight
RELICS: The Triptych Whip
STRATAGEMS: Alliance of Agony

Kabalite Warriors (135)
1x Kabalite Warrior: Dark lance
1x Sybarite
2x Kabalite Warrior: Blaster
6x Kabalite Warrior

Wracks (40)
1x Acothyst
4x Wrack

Wyches (80)
1x Hekatrix
1x Wych: Shardnet and impaler
5x Wych

Wyches (80)
1x Hekatrix
1x Wych: Shardnet and impaler
5x Wych

Incubi (80)
1x Klaivex
4x Incubus

Mandrakes (75)
1x Nightfiend
4x Mandrake

Talos (110)

Raider (90) Grisly trophies

Raider (90) Grisly trophies

Alliance of Agony (1CP)
Prizes from the Dark City (1CP)

Total Command Points: 4/6
Reinforcement Points: 0
Total Points: 1000/1000
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Join date : 2016-02-18

1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade   1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 05 2021, 16:16

How are you planning on making use of your buff-archon? Generally you would want more Blades for Hire to make use of all the buffs you are able to give them. Both Incubi and Scourges love re-rolls.

You might want to try to squeeze in some Dark Lance firepower. They do great work now that the damage is more reliable. Either warriors with a Lance and 2 blasters or a Ravager work for the role.
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Kabalite Warrior

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1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade   1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade I_icon_minitimeMon Apr 05 2021, 17:06

The Master Archon is interesting, because technically you can't bring him in a crusade until he is leveled, but you can't exceed the points cap of the Crusade when you take the upgrade, so really I'm trying to reserve him in this list.

You might be right though that dropping him for more blasters/lances might be the way to go and moving both wych squads to foot - for better or worse.

Could take another 5 warriors with blasters, drop the master and trueborn and shave a few wyches, split a raider 5/5 with warriors and wyches and use the other for scramblers / engage / general harassing.

The kicker is that I know I'm seeing fliers at 1k, so the dark light boat was intended to hunt those, using the talos or metallotoxins to go after the manticores / lemans / etc. as the backup plan if my one AT shooters don't fit.

4 - 8 blaster scourges are probably my first adds after scaling to 1,100 or 1,250 - resisting the urge to bring Hellions.
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1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade Empty
PostSubject: Re: 1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade   1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade I_icon_minitimeTue Apr 06 2021, 15:55

Your right, no Master or Trueborn until your dude levels up.

Games at 1k are a very different animal from 2k. So many more tricks/shenanigan's at 2K.

Give it a go, and see what works. Honestly, I dont think there are many ways you can go wrong with DE right now. All the units in your list are pretty good.
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PostSubject: Re: 1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade   1,000 Points, Start of a Modified and Competitive Crusade I_icon_minitime

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