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 Here is prove, Drukhari still have it

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Here is prove, Drukhari still have it Empty
PostSubject: Here is prove, Drukhari still have it   Here is prove, Drukhari still have it I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 30 2023, 22:21

Here!!!! is an Article, I read a few days ago. Or weeks. Well, details...
Its post update, soon after 'Devastating Wounds' were fixed. Nerfed. Well, whatever...

Its a pretty straight Drukhari list, that definetly got the job done.
Mounted Kabalites, Scourges, Chronos and Ravagers with some additional Mandrakes.
Some might say, its, uh, uninspired.
But hey, its better than the usual double Avatar, triple Nightspinner, rest Shadowspectres Crystalcuddler lists, we see in dozens...

And a week ago, maybe two, I read about a triple Voidraven list, that scored 3rd or 4th.
So there is definetly room for more.

So, thats what I think. What do you think?

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PostSubject: Re: Here is prove, Drukhari still have it   Here is prove, Drukhari still have it I_icon_minitimeFri Nov 10 2023, 15:28

And I found the next one: Klick me!!!

This time Skari wrote a good portion in the article, explaining his list and gives an overview of his matches.
I really like it. Mounted Kabalites, 'Shoot and Scoot' DL Scourges are staple.
But this time he took neither Ravagers or Voidraven Bombers. But Talos. Lots of them.
And a Beastmaster as Warlord. Really.

Well, I definetly look forward to his next list. He wrote, it might include Urien Rahkart.

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PostSubject: Re: Here is prove, Drukhari still have it   Here is prove, Drukhari still have it I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 24 2024, 10:07

Here is a nice article.
2 Drukhari winners in 2 tournaments. One with a Grot-filled Tantalus. Thats awesome...

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PostSubject: Re: Here is prove, Drukhari still have it   Here is prove, Drukhari still have it I_icon_minitimeTue Feb 27 2024, 23:26

Ya saw that list on blood of kittens. It looked like a fun list.

I doubt the grots were in the tantalus because they do not all fit (well only 5 fit not all 6).

3 raiders 2 Venoms, I bet:

Raider --> Wyches + Lelith
Raider --> Grots
Raider --> Grots
Venom --> Wracks
Venom --> Wracks
Tantalus --> Archon + Warrior + Court

Archon has the Fulcrum so that one pain token give re-roll hits to both the warrior blob and the Tantalus.

Skyborne Annihilation strat so that the warrior squad had Sustained Hits 2 + Lethal Hits (from the court). Pain token re-rolls to fish for procs on the sustained hits and lethal hits shots then get re-rolls on those sweet sweet shots from the tantalus. = FUN.

(Plus the tantalus loves the 4++ strat).

The Other list -- Looks similar to what Skari is running with some minor changes (fewer mandrakes; some raiders instead of pure venoms and a ravager for some DL redundancy).

Sounds like he'd a tough match against Grey Knights -- damn their deep strike shenanigans.

It is interesting both lists are running Lelith instead of the substantially cheaper succubus.

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PostSubject: Re: Here is prove, Drukhari still have it   Here is prove, Drukhari still have it I_icon_minitimeFri Mar 22 2024, 19:01

Here are some more pure Drukhari lists, doing pretty well in the new meta. I think Skysplinter is the real deal for now.
And you see a great diversity in the lists. From Beaststar to maximum Taloi spam. Even a Tantalus is in sometimes.

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PostSubject: Re: Here is prove, Drukhari still have it   Here is prove, Drukhari still have it I_icon_minitime

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