hey guys! I'm a new Dark eldar player and I recently started this army switching over from CSM. I have some experience with a "glass hammer" type of army as I play Dark Elves in warhammer fantasy. Any critiques would ne helpful thanks!
Archon,Agoniser,Phantasm grenade launcher,Shadow field
Incubi (x4) Venom,Splinter Cannon,Night shields
Trueborn (x3) Blaster (x3),Venom,Splinter Cannon,Night shields
Warriors (x5) Blaster (x1),Venom,Splinter Cannon,Night shields
Warriors (x5) Blaster (x1),Venom,Splinter Cannon,Night shields
Ravager, Flickerfield
Razorwing Jetfighter, Splinter Cannon, Flickerfield
total comes out to 1004 but its okay.
Also any tips on how to run vect? or if hes ever worth it? Im interested in running a cross between a venom spam and alpha strike list. I also am not interested in running wyches honestly. leme know what you think!