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 1000 points double tournament help

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PostSubject: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 10 2012, 05:33

1000 points each Doubles tournament and teaming up my Grey Knights with Dark Eldar. Any thoughts?

Haemonculus with Hex Rifle (with Trueborn)

Trueborn x3 2 with Blasters in A Venom with extra splinter cannon, Night Shields and Fickerfield.

Warriors x5 1 with Blaster in a Venom with extra Splinter cannon, Night Shields and Fickerfield x4 units

Ravager x2 with Night Shield and Flickerfields

Inquisitor Coteaz

Ordo Xenos with Psychotroke grenades, rad grenades, skulls x3 and power armour

Henchmen x11: 4x Crusaders, 6x Assassins and 1x Warrior Acolyte x2 units

Dreadknight with heavy incinerator, greatsword and teleporter x2 units.
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeFri Jan 13 2012, 23:41

A little disappointed in the lack luster of replies for someone who has asked for help and got none!
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 14 2012, 00:27

Seems pretty light on the AT why not drop the NS on the ravagers and bump those Four venoms to raiders

Kill them my pets, but do it slowly
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 14 2012, 00:43

We do have 6 Dark Lances , 6 blasters, 1 deamonhammer and 2 MC who are jump infantry for movement with reroll to hit, wound and pen with the sword.

My team mate is playing the Dark Eldar and he never leaves home without his NS and FF.
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSat Jan 14 2012, 21:04

What is the Hex Rifle going to be doing with the Blasterborn? I'm guessing to give The Haemie a weapon to shoot with? Otherwise, I think you have a solid (and fairly normal) list in the Dark Eldar. As far as the Grey Knights, I have no clue on. Have you guys tried to do a few doubles games to get your strategies down?
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 15 2012, 06:58

After a few games we have changed the list a little. What do people think of the new lists and changes.

Archon with Blaster
Trueborn x4 with 4x Blasters in a Venom Night Shield

Warriors x5 with 1 Shredder in Venom with extra Splinter Cannon and Night Shield x4 Units

Raveger with Night Shields and Flickerfield x2 Units

Brotherhood Champion with Empyrean Brain Mines

Inquister Coteaz

Henchmen Crusaders x5 and Death Cult Assassins x5 x3 Units

Henchmen x4 Psykers

Nemesis Dreadknight with Personal Teleporter, Heavy Incinerator, Heavy Psycannon and Greatsword.
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 15 2012, 07:35

So at this point you have 7 scoring units, TONS of anti infantry and what I consider a capable level of anti tank (2 Ravagers, a unit of Blasterborn, and whatever is in the GK list).

Why the change from the Haemonculus to Achon with blaster? How did the Haemie fare? Did you think about swapping the Hex Rifle out for a Shattershard before swapping him for an Archon? I guess I could see why the Archon was chosen, he rides with the Trueborn, adding to the total base of fire with 5 blasters.

How are the Nightshields faring on the Warrior Venoms? Have you had thoughts of changing them out for Flickerfields? Have you thought about dropping all the nightshields and flickerfields to possibly add in something else? I think that would save you 70 points but I don't know where those points would go to. Most people would balk at the idea of adding in 3 Reavers on Jetbikes for harassment duty (66 points or so, right there). Probably best to keep all the shields on the respective vehicles.
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 15 2012, 08:09

seether wrote:
So at this point you have 7 scoring units, TONS of anti infantry and what I consider a capable level of anti tank (2 Ravagers, a unit of Blasterborn, and whatever is in the GK list).

Why the change from the Haemonculus to Achon with blaster? How did the Haemie fare? Did you think about swapping the Hex Rifle out for a Shattershard before swapping him for an Archon? I guess I could see why the Archon was chosen, he rides with the Trueborn, adding to the total base of fire with 5 blasters.

How are the Nightshields faring on the Warrior Venoms? Have you had thoughts of changing them out for Flickerfields? Have you thought about dropping all the nightshields and flickerfields to possibly add in something else? I think that would save you 70 points but I don't know where those points would go to. Most people would balk at the idea of adding in 3 Reavers on Jetbikes for harassment duty (66 points or so, right there). Probably best to keep all the shields on the respective vehicles.

Grey Knights consist of Psykers 36" STR6 AP4 Assault Large Blast
Dreadknight consists of Hellhound flamer, str7 ap4 large blast rending, jump infantry.
Henchmen consists of 5x DCA with a3 I6 WS5 PW, 5x C PW I3 WS3 AS 3+i
HQ x2

Hex rifle did not work out to well due to the unreliability, Archon with better BS and 5 blasters for dedicated AT/termi hunters.

Every Vehicle has Night Shields and Flickerfields on the Dark Eldar side. Team mate would not have a bar of it for removing any of these.
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSun Jan 15 2012, 08:29

Good for him. That's why I ended that statement with 'probably best to keep...' I recalled you mentioning not dropping those no matter what.

Overall, you guys appear to have an extremely effective list. It looks like you are capable of going after anything that comes your way with ease. I can't wait to find out how this tournament goes!
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 04 2012, 05:52

Had my first round in the tournament. 1st game was against IG and Blood angles, 17/3 win to us. 2nd game was against IG leaf blower and a trygon spam list 0/20 loss and the 3rd game was against IG and Marines which resulted in 17/3 win to us. Good games so far.
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PostSubject: Re: 1000 points double tournament help   1000 points double tournament help I_icon_minitime

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