Hello denizens of the dark city,
I've been away from the hobby for some time (about six years) and now that I finally have some time and money, after seeing and falling in love with the new (since i last played) dark eldar, I hope to get a 500pt army completed over the summer. I've come up with a jungle theme idea where a group of dark eldar have (somehow) become trapped on a jungle deathworld, mayby catachan. I've had a few ideas but one of them is that the commorites have become infected by/enhanced by a genetic based plant infection; slowly making all the cloned dark eldar one with the jungle because they have the same genes. So all except the trueborn will have a pale sickly green skin. I'm thinking similar to the second picture down of Poison Ivy here:http://batman.wikia.com/wiki/Poison_Ivy
The problem is I'm unfimiliar with the new names of Games Workshop paints (they still had inks last time I painted anything) and rusty at painting in general. What paints and mayby washes would I need to create a similar coloured skin for my Dark Eldar, with basic shading and highlighting?