Hey guys, please help me with the list below, I currently face off against Tau, Craftworld Eldar, Salamanders, Grey Knights, Chaos Space Marines, Orks and Tyranids.
First up, the part of the list I've written so far;
Haemonculus - WWP & Liquifier Gun
Haemonculus - WWP & Shattershard
5 Incubi in Venom with Splinter Cannon
8 Wyches with Hekatrix, Agoniser and Haywire Grenades in a Raider
8 Wyches with Hekatrix, Agoniser and Haywire Grenades in a Raider
3 Reaver Jetbikes with Heat Lance
3 Reaver Jetbikes with Heat Lance
Razorwing Jetfighter with Dissies, Necrotoxin Missiles, Splinter Cannon, Flickerfield and Nightsheilds
This leaves me with 193 points to spend. The Haemonculi roll with a Wych squad to allow them to get portals down even if playing Dawn of War. The Incubi are a mobile strike squad to pick off stuff camping objectives or remove heavy weapons squads. The Ravagers take care of armour while the Razorwing nukes expensive squads to nothing.
The Reavers are held in reserve as a surprise against any rear armour or to Bladevane through the enemy and can contest objectives if they survive.
Now, obviously I only have the Reavers to deploy in the WWP which doesn't really make this a WWP list. What is going to make the difference is those last 200pts. I was thinking of putting 2 units of Kabalite warriors in it. These guys would then come in within rapid fire range of the enemy and unleash a hail of splinter fire and also be able to claim objectives. The WWPs are also there as a bit of a ruse, with so much starting on the table hopefully my opponent will wonder what is in it and I could start with nothing in reserve and just use them to mess with his head.
The other options I thought of were pimped out Harlequins or Beastmasters, then again Hellions might do good but then I'd be relying on my Wyches as my only scoring troops and even though they start with a pain token they will die to shooting or power weapons.
Now I have everything on the list (bar the Razorwing, it's on pre-order) and I am limited in my spending. I have 3 units of Kabalites already to use so I'd like suggestions that don't mean spending a fortune. I'm pretty happy with the list so far and think it has potential, just need those last 200pts sorting out.