HQ:Archon, Djinn Blade, Phantasm Grenade Launcher, Ghostplate Armour. 115
Elites A: 4 Wracks. 40. Dedicated Venom, Extra Splinter Cannon.65
Elites B: 5 Trueborn,2x Darklances,3x cc-weapon swaps.110
Elites C: 5 Trueborn,2x Splintercannons,3x Shardcarbines.95.Dedicated Venom, Extra Splinter Cannon.65
Troops A,B,C and D: 5 Warriors, Blaster.60. Dedicated Raider.60 (4 identical Units, 2 Raiders with Disintegrators)
Fast Attack: 5 Scourges, 2x Haywire Blasters.130
Heavy Support A and B: Razorwing Jetfighters.290 (2 Jets, one with Disintegrators)
Heavy Support C: Talos Pain Engine, Twin-linked Liquifier, Twin-linked Haywire Blaster.110
This Is a semi fun, semi competitive list I have written, wondering mainly if anyone can see any major holes in it, only thing that springs to mind for me is that the Talos will be limited to a primarily defensive role as it will be unable to keep up with the rest of the army. I have deliberately kept upgrades to an absolute effective minimum to maximize the number of units I can fit in 1500.