Hey what do you guys think of this list.
Army 1: 998
HQ: Duke Siliscus
Elites: 6 Trueborn with 4 Shardcarbines, 2 Splintercannons, and plasma gernades
Raider with flickerfield
Troops: 10 Kabilite Warriors with 1 Blaster and 1 Splintercannon
Raider with flickerfield
10 Kabilite Warriors with 1 Blaster and 1 Splintercannon
Raider with flickerfield
10 Kabilite Warriors with 1 Blaster and 1 Splintercannon
Raider with flickerfield
Heavy Support: Ravager
Army 2: 999pts
HQ: Haemonculi
Elites: 4 Trueborn with 4 Blasters
Raider with flickerfield
Troops: 10 Kabilite Warriors with 1 Splintercnnon and 1 Blaster
Raider with flickerfield
10 Kabilite Warriors with 1 Splintercannon
Raider with flickerfield
8 Wyches with Haywire grenades
Raider With flickerfield
Heavy Support: Razorwing Jetfighter with 2 necrotoxin missiles, 2 shatterfield missiles, and flikerfield
Skyshield Landing Pad
The plan Is to try and fit most of the raiders and the ravager in the skyshield in deployment for the 4++ save. The plan is to camp the ravager on the pad while the rest of the army drives forward and shoots up units. The Duke is with the Shardcarbine Trueborn for improved poison damage. The Witches are the tank hunting with the Haemy for the pain token. Tell me what you think and if anything should be exchanged.