Don't you just love the: "I've got this, what's a good list" kind of threads?
Well, again... It's more about what you want with DE. They support different playstyles. But, I don't mind looking at what you have now and give my personal opinion.
As it is now, the quickest way to whip this in to shape is:
- I wouldn't field Warriors or Wyches without transport. So you either need more Raiders or Venoms. I would pick Venoms and put small squads of 5 Wyches with Haywires in 'm. Leave the Raiders for the Warriors to make gunboats with splinterracks.
- 9 Reavers work better than 6.
- 2 Ravagers work better than 1.
- Maybe a Razorwing for some flyer activity could be nice.
Well, then the list is all beefed up and ready to go!
p.s.: A horde of Grotesques could work too. But then you'd have to fully commit to a slow yet though 'Coven' variant list. It's all about what you want.