Hello there all you Dark Eldar players. I am planning on starting a Dark Eldar army, and i figured the denizens of this site would be a metaphorical gold mine of strategy and tactics, much more then the crowd on warseer. I'm mostly joining to ask questions from more experienced players as I slowly build up my corsair lord (Counts as Duke Sliscus) and his army (Dark Eldar with Eldar allies) .
Il probably throw up a few threads soon to discuss strategy and tactics and stuff. What would be the better forum to put them up in? Dark Eldar Tactics or Dark Eldar Discussion?
As for my background, I only recently got into playing 40k, and while I own the 6th rule book and most of the current codexes, I primarily play with my friends models (using the counts as rule for everything since he doesn't have any Dark Eldar). Up till now I was actually pretty focused on competitive fighting games (I went to alot of tournaments. I never did particularly well, but I sure as heck tried to win at least). Playing in tournaments, I became a firm believer in the "Play to Win" mindset (which ive noticed is generally shunned in the 40k community unfortunately) , but one thing i like about Dark Eldar is that it seems that you can easily make extremely powerful list that are also fluffy and extremely fun to play.
TLDR: I'm happy to be here and I hope you will be willing to help a rookie out in making the most lethal corsair army the galaxy has ever seen. (:<
PS: The grinchface in my avatar is the face i make while drinking in spacemarine tears when they lose horribly. Nothing is sweeter then seeing the invincible poster-boys of GW get knocked over like bowling pins.