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 Kabal of the Spectral Blade

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PostSubject: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 04 2012, 22:43

Having been inspired by all the other wonderful armies on show here, decided to upload some pics of my own small (yet growing) Kabal. Have quite a few models by now, 1000 ish points, yet took me a while to decide quite how I was going to paint them. Now I've finally arrived at a scheme I like, here are a few shots of some of my models for all your lovely webway dwellers out there Smile

No idea how many incarnations this guy is on now, but I do still love him to bits. Will function as a blaster archon, but i think the gunslinging look is rather nice
Kabal of the Spectral Blade Archon_I

Warriors w. Venom.
Not completely happy with all the poses of the warriors but they don't spend much time being looked at anyway
Kabal of the Spectral Blade Warriors_Venom

Gunboat sqaud.
Really like the raider model, makes a nice change from painting venoms...
Kabal of the Spectral Blade Gunboat_Squad

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Raider_I

Newest purchase, love the model and looking forward to causing mayhem with them Twisted Evil
Kabal of the Spectral Blade Reavers_I

Apologies for the rubbish picture quality, phone is the only thing I have with a camera atm. If anyone is really that interested I'll try and get better photos of specific models if requested. And if anyone has any tips on how I can improve my painting, please share Smile


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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 04 2012, 23:42

i think your painitng job is great. up close they look good. i think that the problem is with the color scheme, the dusting of white on everything makes everything kind of blend together. it might stand out more if you painted the actual armor bits on the warriors white or painted the under suit a true black. or maybe if you livened up the base to make the model stand out more. maybe if you changed the green on the guns or painted the "gems" something to contrast with the green. just something to think about.
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Evil Space Elves
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Evil Space Elves

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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 05 2012, 00:35

It's an interesting effect that somehow reminds me of Sin City (the movie)

Kabal of the Spectral Blade JVMWVbU
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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 05 2012, 00:50

@ Ebon: Agreed, but that is in a way the kind of effect I was going for. Personally for me rank and file troops shouldn't stand out too much anyway, they should just look good as a whole. Might well try out a few of your ideas on the trueborn models that I'm planning to add soon though, as obv I'll want them to stand out more

@ ESE: Yeah, it's a bit noir really. Just always had the idea of a night time raiding kabal, all ghostly armor and moving shadows with luminous green eyes and glowing weapons. And after all 'Sin City' is surely no better title for Commorragh? Smile

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 05 2012, 13:56

Evil Space Elves wrote:
It's an interesting effect that somehow reminds me of Sin City (the movie)
Marv = Grot?

Fun looking army, simple, clean. The green really pops too.
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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeTue Jan 08 2013, 00:39

So after a long break (final year being great fun and all that Evil or Very Mad ) I've finally found time to come back to my Kabal. Decided they all need touching up, and decided to have a go at more advanced bases to help bring out the models a bit more. Quite pleased with the first updated squad, here's the results:

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Squad_3_1

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Squad_3_2

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Squad_3_3

Archon and Incubi retinue are next.

Again any tips always welcome


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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitimeWed Jan 09 2013, 17:10

The aforementioned Archon (back with close combat weapon) and Incubi. One more to do but so far pretty pleased with how they have turned out:

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Incubi

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Incubus

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Archon_II

Kabal of the Spectral Blade Archon_III

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PostSubject: Re: Kabal of the Spectral Blade   Kabal of the Spectral Blade I_icon_minitime

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