Hello, all. Name's Moxen. Just started 40K seriously about three months ago. I've been musing over the rulebooks, and been playing various games for a few years, but I just recently decided that I wanted to play Tyrannids.
Which was a mistake. I painted up the army, and suddenly, my friend Xillian introduced me to Dark Eldar. I like DEldar better ^-^ At the moment, I need to get an army list built, probably a 1000 point one. After that, I can buy and paint it, but first, I want to get an army started.
Anyway, I look forward to posting here, and to pick up whatever tips I can about 40K, and painting, seeing as I... kinda suck. ._.
EDIT: Oh, and I see you have an RP section... If that isn't already active, it will be soon. [Que Maniacal laugh]