I posted this on 40konline but thought I'd try here as well.
right now I've got drawn up
3 groups of 10 Kabal Warriors w/ Splinter Cannon, each with a Raider Dedicated Transport, Nightshields on these
4 Kabalite Trueborn, 2x Darklances with a Venom Transport, (thinking about taking 4 blasters instead)
3 Reavers+Cluster Caltrops (not sure what weapon to take here, suggestions would be appreciated)
Haemonculus Ancient w/ Hexrifle, Shattershard
4 Hekatrix Bloodbrides + 1 Siren, Venom, Hydra Gauntlets, Phantasm Launcher, Haywire Grenades
Basically the obvious gameplan is to outmaneuver my opponent with an extraordinarily shooty army. I'll wanna stick the Haemonculus with the Trueborn and use those as mobile tankhunters in a pinch. Will they be sufficient for the job?
The Bloodbrides are there basically as reserves--if a skimmer gets blown up and a squad assaulted, they'll zoom there and help clean up. I don't see these run in a lot of lists, are they efficient as a melee Kleanup Krew? They seem like they would be okay against MEQs and worse in fights. If these aren't the best choice for the role, what is?
The Reavers are what I'm least sure about. I like the idea of Cluster Caltrops being good for area denial and sort of "herding" the bad guys into where I want them to be and for taking out any nasty IC's.
One change I'm considering making is dropping the Troops squads down to 5, bringing Venoms instead. This'll free up enough room for me to take a voidraven bomber, but I'm cutting my number of shots in half. Good or bad idea?
My biggest question right now is "is the philosophy behind this list viable?" The philosophy being the ultimate zoomin, shootan glass cannon army? What will this do well and what will this do poorly against?