Got hold of about 1500 points of DE for cheap, so I made this list:
Baron Sathonyx
15 Hellions w. Helliarch (Stunclaw)
2x 6 Reaver Jetbikes w. 2 Blasters
1x 3 Reaver Jetbikes w. Blaster
2x 10 Warriors w. Splinter Cannon in Raider w. Dark lance and Flickerfield
1 x 10 Warriors w. Dark Lance in Raider w. Dark lance, Night Shields and Flickerfield
Talos w. Liquefier Gun and Chain Flails
Cronos w. Spirit Vortex
I have yet to play a single game with them (just finished assembling most of them...), but my basic plan is as follows. The army moves very rapidly (bar Talos and Cronos), so the plan would be to deploy everything except for one Reaver squad and the 2 Splinter warriors (held in reserve) centrally, then shoot off to one side of the board on turn one, to engage and destroy the opponent's army piecemeal. The Reavers will keep moving rapidly for the 3+ cover save destroying transports (along with the Raider) so that when the Splinter cannon warriors enter they can mash up the disembarked units. I'm not 100% sold on the Talos/Cronos, but the models are sweet...
Thought/comments/suggestions are very welcome!