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 What are the Sslyth?

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Spanna uv Komor-AAAGH!
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Kabalite Warrior
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PostSubject: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 16 2011, 01:40

Note: This was originally posted by me elsewhere. Given the subject, I was interested in what you guys think, but if you want to check out the original thread, here it is:

I am unabashedly a fan of the minor Xenos races in Warhammer 40K because they help to expand the universe beyond the Fantasy Archetypes In Space that it began as. Because of this, the Sslyth species introduced in the Dark Eldar Codex stuck in my mind for quite a while. The imagery of 'serpent-bodied warriors' with 'two sets of arms' really helps broaden the overwhelmingly humanoid shape of every army in 40K. (bar the Tyranids) I was actually hoping that a plastic Count of the Archon kit would come out in the second wave for the Sslyth. Sadly, that didn't happen, so I was stuck between buying up old Chaos Snakemen and converting them, or waiting until ForgeWorld decides the Dark Eldar need an Elder Sslyth.

Until, of course, this beauty came along:What are the Sslyth? M1740190a_99120217006_NecroStalkers1_873x627

Suddenly, I had a proper base for converting Sslyth, and a full Court's worth even! But something about them struck me as something I had seen before, but I couldn't place it.
I decided to research how others had drawn Snakemen in the past, as I didn't trust my own sculpting skills to jump in blindly. Then I came across this:
What are the Sslyth? Fulgrim

I dug up my Fulgrim book to try and find out why the Primarch would look like that as a Demon. He was shaped as such in the image of the Laer. Guess what the Laer are described as. Idea

So there is one serpent-bodied, four armed race than worships Slaanesh, and another serpent-bodied, four armed race that 'fell to the temptations of unbridled excess millennia ago'? I'm thinking that the Laer and the Sslyth are the same species. So what does this mean?

Given the favor the Archons show the Sslyth, it is likely that they have had a long association with the Eldar, more than that of sycophants. What if that 'alliance' does all the way back to before the Fall? I am certain the Pleasure Cults would have had many uses for the Sslyth, who no doubt developed a taste for their brands of hedonism. When Slaanesh was born, some Sslyth would have survived in Commoragh and quickly established themselves there. Those that didn't follow the Dark Eldar into the Warpway would have been hedonists who had lost their main source of entertainment and pleasure. I doubt the worship of Slaanesh would have been a very difficult yoke to bear for the re-named Laer.

Now, to be perfectly honest, this is probably nothing more than Games-Workshop not talking much with Black Library. However, I like the idea; this adds a dimension to both the Laer, who were little more than a plot device in Fulgrim, and to the Sslyth, who are just an interesting Codex entry right now.


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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeThu Jun 16 2011, 01:54

They are way to big to fit comfortably in the 40k worlld as 40mm based models. Ive seen some nice Reaper snakemenor go with your original choice. i honestly dont think its worh spending so much on a unit that need an additional 40points of baggage before they can be maxed out.

my $0.02
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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeMon Jul 11 2011, 19:59

I know this thread is a bit old but I must say that's an amazing discovery Spanna.

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeWed Jul 13 2011, 17:05

Yes, good work Spanna. Very interesting! I like it.
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Spanna uv Komor-AAAGH!
Kabalite Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 03 2011, 02:21

What are the Sslyth? M1950171a_99800112013_DESslyth02_873x627
Well, now we have an official Sslyth model from GW, and unlike everything else from the Beastmaster's managerie or the Archon's Court, it looks more or less how I imagined. Cool beans.

What is relevant to this thread, however, is the Splinter Cannon. It is considerably beefier than the Dark Eldar version, but the Splinter pistol is the same size. The paint job seem to imply a wood finish too.

This brought me to the idea of how the Sslyth are being armed. Explaining the Splinter Pistol is easy; other books make it clear that the Pistol is a prized and valuable assassin's tool of any race, so the DE do seem willing the trade away some(probably the ones that didn't meet their exacting standards). But the Splinter Cannon? I very much doubt that the Dark Eldar would pay for the arms of mercenaries, no matter how trusted they are. It seems to me like the Sslyth must make them themselves. The designs on the Cannon are reminiscent of the Dark Eldar without quite being theirs.

Looks like the Sslyth didn't quite lose everything in the Fall.

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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 03 2011, 02:50

I will say, from my perception, it actually looks like the s.cannon there is in some sort of holster.

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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 03 2011, 03:12

One thing: he have Shardcarabine (Scourges basic gun), high-power hybrid between Cannon and Rifle (I would give him SC +"may use heavy after move" USR. But it's still ok!). Also ornamented holster beef it up in size.

As for armanent... first, I guess Archon would despise crude "slingshots" used by lesser races. Who knows, maybe they would allow it to retain it's exotic melee weapons (like spiked knuckles and this sabre) but powder powered, projectile weapons... hip snake is hip, too mainstream Razz

Secondly, Archons are "nobility" of Dark City, so armour and equipment is important part of their heraldry. And it looks "expensive".

And finally: supply of ammunition, spare parts and replacement. I guess that splinter weaponry is just too easly available to bother with something else.

Also, what about orgins of Sslyth? They kinda look like pets with guns... I don't have codex with me right now, but is it possible that Beastmasters may hatch them from eggs, then sell cute little "crocodiles" for Archons that later grow into big, green "when you absolutely, positively need to kill every usurper in the room"?

What are the Sslyth? 1349697001_e97d85b759
Whoosh my little killer, whoosh? Yes, you are! [hug]

I wondered if they could hire Ork Mercenary (Flash Git or Pirate) for that? Ork in high-tech spacesuit, with "bang bang stikk" and assault-happy character would fit perfect!

And one thing about Fulgrim "from cute girl to Daemon Prince" change - I guess human-like face is his and wings are just trademark of Mr.Tzeentch.

Oh, if someone would like to ask, I'm "sculptor" from original Waaagh topic Razz Not like I'm proud of that "quick sketch", but yeah...
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Shadows Revenge
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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 03 2011, 13:56

If I remember from his wargear, its suppose to be a shardcarbine, and if you notice how he is holding it, he is not ready to fire it (as he is grabbing it by a handle.) So My guess is it is in the holster, and what looks like woodgrain is suppose to be a leather of some sort, or gold ornate on top.

And I dont see why an Archon wouldnt splurge on his bodyguard. He does want to stay alive right??? Or maybe the Sslyth bought it with all that cash he is racking in from protecting his local Archon. Remember Shardcarbines are for the rich and sheek Dark Eldar (as you only see Trueborn and Scourges have them)

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeSat Sep 03 2011, 21:15

Thor665 wrote:
I will say, from my perception, it actually looks like the s.cannon there is in some sort of holster.
That's the way it looks to me, too. Since I'm going to be doing three, one at least will be holding his at the ready. Razz
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Spanna uv Komor-AAAGH!
Kabalite Warrior
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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeTue Sep 20 2011, 23:08

Thor665 wrote:
I will say, from my perception, it actually looks like the s.cannon there is in some sort of holster.
I thought that at first too, but what is the point of a holster that isn't attached to a sling/belt? This isn't like a sword where you can use the scabbard as a second weapon; the whole point of a gun holster is to make them easier to carry and protect them from the elements. Neither can really apply here.
Furthermore, if that is intended as a holster, why no holster for the shard pistol?

Now that I think about it, Shadows Revenge is probably right. Trusted mercenaries would be wealthy mercenaries, and wealthy mercenaries can afford the fancy stuff. Given that they wear the same armor that the Kabalites use, it shouldn't have surprised me that they buy/use the same technology.

P.S. Shardcarbine, not Shard Cannon. How did I mess that up?

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shadow hunter
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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeWed Sep 21 2011, 09:27

I think the GW models look perfect - but not keen on the lck of options. I'd like a few but cost and singular pose will probably mean I get none.
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PostSubject: Re: What are the Sslyth?   What are the Sslyth? I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 20 2011, 16:47

I love you fluff-theory, so much so I'm adopting it as as close to fact as any such things can get. For my coven, kabal etc sslyth are the remenants of the laer race renamed either by themselves or as a translation/basterdisation of their name into the eldar language.

Also I'm gonna have me some laer/sslyth Grotesques... look to the Shattered Helix once I get the fluff sorted....

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