archon-husk blade,shadowfield,grenade launcher,combat drugs
4x Incubi- Klaivex, demiklave, Venom +cannon+ night shield
Haemonculus-liquifier gun
(2x) 4x warriors-4 blasters, Venom+cannon +nightshield
9x wracks-Liquifier gun+raider+nightshield
(2x) 10x warriors-1 blaster+raider+nightshield+splinter racks
(2x) 5x warriors-1blaster+venom+cannon+nightshield
3x ravager+nightshield
This is what I ran last week and it came to 1939, though I could have added flickerfields to the raiders and ravagers.
I plan to drop the Incubi even though I know I didn't charge the right thing with them I'm finding the more I think about them the less I want to run them, and I'm really considering giving the haemonculi and archon venom blades, and stick them into the wrack units.