I just started 40k in may, joining the Dark Eldar forces! After reading a lot of useful tactica in here, I registered to maybe contribute to some discussions myself and because this is an awesome site for Dark Eldar!
I started to play a tabletop over 15 years ago (Void 1.1, does anyone know?), but I did not play for almost ten years. Now some friends of mine (re)started 40k and I joined in, remembering how much fun I had back then. The Dark Eldar even resemble to my old void-force (I also play that again from time to time now): squishy, fast, hard hitting. But that's not the only reason I like them (besides their spikey design). Dark Eldar don't seek to maintain the status quo for some stupid empire, but they fight for their values: family, sport, torture.
So, I'm pleased to meet you!