Hi all, as you may know, I love proxy armies, especially as I am somewhat dissatisfied with GW at the moment.
I am expecting the imminent arrival of 50-odd sexy Raging Heroes girls for my Counts-As-DE pirate fleet; I have been playing with GW models, but this was always a stop-gap until the girls arrived.
I have my lists more-or-less settled, and most of the forthcoming models assigned roles...apart from the Grotesques. For the past year I have been using SM Terminators as a physical proxy, but when I couldn't find them last game, I used my Vampire Counts Dire Wolves, which are my Ravenor-proxies for my Skaven-counts-as-Tyranids (confused yet?!).
I modeled the wolves on 40mm round bases, built a mound of putty for each one, and re-posed them to be pouncing upwards, to give the right body-shape for a Ravenor, and they look great, plus are a fair Wysiwyg match.
After the game, I realised that for my DE army, Commander Ivana, my Archon, does not want to sail into battle with ugly brutes that don't match her outfit, what she needs is a pack of big hunting dogs, after all all the divas accessorise with a handbag dog now!
TL,DR: I need a set of 4 angry big dogs that are a reasonable size and shape match for Grotesques.
If I HAVE to use GW, I will, albeit grudgingly, but I would love to find an alternative mini manufacturer. I don't mind if all 4 have the same pose, although variation would be nice.
I won't use my Dire Wolves, as they are rotting zombie dogs, and Ivana will NOT put up with the smell. If she has wittle fwuffikins who is a sweetie pie and wouldn't harm a fly as he rips your head off, it will be a purebred!
Thanks in advance for help, suggestions and links!