So this is currently my main distraction, wargaming wise, from my dark eldar and has been for a while. I thought I'd share this project as it will hopefully push me to finish painting what I've got for them so far.
I started Hordes as a way to play a different game system but still with my current gaming group (as a lot of them already played warmahordes at the time it was the obvious decision) and after a long time debating which army to do I decided to pick up some legion models.
I started with the legion stuff from the started set and expanded a little to begin with, mainly a different caster.
My rather WIP p thags, because hey, dragons and ogres are both cool so an ogre with a dragon spirit in him must be awesome.
I've got the unit attachment for the warspears and the striders painted up as well as a shepard but no pictures of them yet.
There is still a lot more I need to paint and buy for this army but as with all my painting, progress is slow.
The majority of the work is the bases for the models. All of which are made with cork.
Comments and criticisms are always welcome and thanks for reading.