So this idea is based on a little story I messed around with awhile ago, about a Haemonculus' rise to power through his following in the Commorite underworld. He eventually finds sponsorship with the Bleaksoul brethren (they bond over humor and appreciation of condrichthyoid physiology). I really wanted to incorporate hellions and reavers around a heamy/grot team, and try to make it work. Not at all super competitive, but I would like it to be able to hold its own if handled well. If you're interested, here's the story
[] - brackets will denote 1000
{} - squigglies will denote 1500
The Sarcophile Coven
{[115]} Haemonculus Ancient w/ Power Axe, Scissorhands, Liq. gun
{[105]} counts as Baron Sassypants
[210] 4 Grotesques w/ liq. gun, in raider
{250} 4 Grotestues w/ abberation, liq gun, flesh gauntlet, in raider w/ flickerfield, torment grenades
Accompanying Barry Sax
[159] 9 Hellions w/ Helliarch w/ stunclaw-useful enough? might just drop it for a venom blade
{335} 20 Hellions w/ Helliarch w/ stunclaw ^
[95] 3 Wracks in a Venom w/splinter cannon
{190} 10 Wracks in a Raider w/ flickerfield, torment grenades
Fast Attack
[156] 6 reavers w/ 2 heatlances
[156] 6 reavers w/ 2 heatlances
{254} 9 reavers w/ 3 heatlances, arena champion w/ power spear
{254} 9 reavers w/ 3 heatlances, arena champion w/ power spear
Totals - [996] {1498}
I have a strong suspicion that challenges kinda defeat the purpose of stunclaws in general, but they could be useful for just the ability to screw with unit cohesion and such.
I could also break the 20 man hellion squad into groups of 11 and 13 and toss a talos in instead of the wracks. Or two 16 man hellion squads and neither.
The main idea is i guess I throw the raider with Haemonculus Ancient and grotesques at the scariest looking thing on the board, reavers as general mobile AT and secondary attack force, wracks as more cleanup/spot treatment, hellions running interference, thinning units and tarpitting, everybody sticking to cover unless they're in combat.