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 Crusade RP campaign

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PostSubject: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeWed Aug 12 2020, 21:16

Hi all
I'm more a rp than a wargamer and I play kt/wh mostly with my d&d group. I've starter to write a background for my Archon and his Kabal. I'd like some advices for a campaign with some RP to spice up the game (actually we're a DE, a SM and necrom players, prolly a Tyranid will join us), has someone ever had such an experience?
C&C are really appreciated, plus I'd be grateful if someone would be willing to give some feedbacks about my BG which I'll post later if interested.

"Cruel fantasies of someone's dreams...that's what we are; They call us forgotten tears 'cause no eyes cried for our griefs"
Synthoras, Archon of the Forgotten Tears
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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 13 2020, 13:46

Lol, those are the exact same factions from my gaming group (but I occasionally dable with Guard too).

The first step would be finding a suitable location/story that could combine all the factions. It would probably go something like this:

Imperial world, minding its own buisness when the Necrons start coming up from below. SM are called in to deal with the Necrons. Necrons pull some schenanagins, and the Webway opens up and Nids and DE start to pour out.

Something along those lines. TBH it is hard to combine Necrons and Nids, in the old fluff the Nids would specifically avoid Necron worlds, but that was in the Old'cron fluff. Maybe there is a Genestealer cult on the Imperial world that has been calling the Hive Mind, and then the DE start raiding during the confusion?

Is this helpful?
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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 17 2020, 17:11

Yep pretty helpful! We will figure out how to mix all up

"Cruel fantasies of someone's dreams...that's what we are; They call us forgotten tears 'cause no eyes cried for our griefs"
Synthoras, Archon of the Forgotten Tears
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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeMon Aug 17 2020, 19:49

If possible, put up a post telling us what story you went with.

Just for my own curiosity Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeTue Aug 18 2020, 20:43

Sure! I'll start to write it just after my 9th demo...hopefully saturday

"Cruel fantasies of someone's dreams...that's what we are; They call us forgotten tears 'cause no eyes cried for our griefs"
Synthoras, Archon of the Forgotten Tears
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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 20 2020, 15:51

So far I considered a love story between my char Synthoras, which used to be a black heart Warrior, and a hekatari from the Red grief. During a raid to a necron tomb-world Vect secretly gave the order to thin ranks, due to a little insurgence of a trueborn group demanding for more loot. Synthoras was between those who were betrayed and shooted once reached the inner sanctum of a Lich lord tomb; his love with her sisters were shooted too cos witnessed the event and she charged the trueborn for saving Synthoras. On the brink of death his last image was her face looking at him, lifeless, with just a bloody tear running down her cheek.
In the total darkness and cold of death a voice whispered to Synthoras, asking what he truly desired; ofc he replied "vengeance".
Long story short hidden in the sanctum there was a very tiny shard of the nightbringer who gave strenght to my char with the promise to help it regain freedom, who put it in a soul trap taken from a drakon's body there and escaped the tomb. Now if you have ever seen pitch Black/Riddick you can figure him getting back to his old pals, enjoying a sadistic, devious and ruthless bloodshed, taking one by one the traitors, stealing a ship for getting back home seeking vengeance and, driven by the shard, collecting more parts of it since pacts with badasses like c'tan must be fullfilled. That's the main plot to kick some necron asses...I just need to justify the other factions

"Cruel fantasies of someone's dreams...that's what we are; They call us forgotten tears 'cause no eyes cried for our griefs"
Synthoras, Archon of the Forgotten Tears
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Join date : 2016-02-18

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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitimeThu Aug 20 2020, 21:08

Keep it coming dude
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PostSubject: Re: Crusade RP campaign   Crusade RP campaign I_icon_minitime

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