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 Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique

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Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique Empty
PostSubject: Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique   Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25 2013, 18:50

Hello everyone, I've been lurking for a while just reading as much as I can. I'm fairly new to the Dark Eldar and finally have enough pieces to really be competitive in the 1500 point range in my local area. I'm looking for constructive criticism on this, so please be gentle Smile

Archon - Huskblade, Venom Blade, Shadow field, haywire grenades

Bloodbride x4, 4x haywire grenades, hydra gauntlets, venom w/ splinter cannon

Trueborn x3, blaster x3, venom w/ splinter cannon

Warriors x10, blaster, splinter cannon, raider w/ splinter racks and nightshield

Warriors x10, blaster, splinter cannon, raider w/ splinter racks and nightshield

Fast Attack:
Jetbikes x6, blaster x2

Heavy Support:
Ravager, night shield, dark lance x3

Talos Pain Engine, TL Liquifier, TL splinter cannon, additional CCW

Voidraven Bomber, nightshield, flickerfield, implosion missile x2

This actually comes out to be about 60 points under 1500, having a little trouble filling out the rest. The Archon will be in the Venom with the Bloodbrides performing mop-up of wounded units, with the Trueborn and Jetbikes zipping around taking out high-priority tank targets, with the Ravager and Bomber adding long-range support. To help balance the AT, two gunboats with splinter racks filled with warriors, with a Talos for support alongside a couple Implosion missiles.

I'm going for a balance of AT and AI, and I *think* I've achieved it with points to spare. In my local area, it's mostly IG, Blood Angels, Dark Angels and Necron. Every so often you get the random Tau, Tyranid or Demon army (actually just had Demons last night... it was interesting.)

I'm open to criticism and suggestions!
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Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique   Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25 2013, 21:13

I would give your Archon a sould trap and drugs as well as a PGL with those extra points.
Implosion missiles are just too expensive for what they do, two shatterfields would be better.
You lack turn 1 AT so I would swap out the talos for a 2nd ravager.
Bloodbrides are also not that brilliant, do you have any incubi? They would be a better escort for the archon.

The biggest issue at 1500pts only having 2 troops may cause you an issue, I would go for smaller squads of warriors in venoms and squads of wyches with haywires in raiders.

You can always play you list and see how it goes, the best way to learn different units tend work better for other people depending on their play style.
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Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique   Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique I_icon_minitimeMon Mar 25 2013, 21:36

Yeah, implosion missiles are really expensive, but they're fun. I see you're point, though, they are very expensive and can only take out a handful of troops.

Sadly, I do not have any incubi at all, as the only place I can find them charges an arm and a leg for them, though my local shop does have a single box of Wracks. I know that's not much better, but it could be something.

I don't have a second ravager yet, as money is tight - but one is on the way, and I'll definitely be running with at least two in the future.

My current holdings in terms of transports are two raiders and two venoms, and I'm not a big fan of using proxies unless I have to. I do have a bunch of scourges, too, though I've read mixed things about them, and loads more warriors and wyches. Definitely going to have to re-think some of this, though.
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PostSubject: Re: Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique   Rather new to DE, 1500pt critique I_icon_minitime

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