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 Scourge Wing Tutorial?

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Scourge Wing Tutorial? Empty
PostSubject: Scourge Wing Tutorial?   Scourge Wing Tutorial? I_icon_minitimeFri Apr 25 2014, 22:03

I'm looking around for some tutorials or guides on how to do the feather and bat wings of Scourge. I'm going to start paining them up next week and am looking for brushing techniques to hopefully make the wings look decent.

Does anyone have any good resources for brush painting the wings of Scourge (or similar) models?
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Scourge Wing Tutorial? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scourge Wing Tutorial?   Scourge Wing Tutorial? I_icon_minitimeSun May 11 2014, 14:18

Feather wings are dying for a drybrush.
Black base
Dark Grey back
Bleached Bone drybrush
Devlan Mud wash
Light drybrush of bleached bone again.

Delicious and Coven-Baked for your Pleasure

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Scourge Wing Tutorial? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scourge Wing Tutorial?   Scourge Wing Tutorial? I_icon_minitimeSun May 11 2014, 19:15

The easy way would be drybrushing, just as Grub suggested. Work yourself up from a black basecoat or at least a suitably dark one and then get brighter with every drybrushing. Also take less paint the brighter you go, you want your highlights to be visible after all.

It is possible to do that with any color you fancy, my scourges have purple wings for example.

The stressfull method is to apply highlights by hand which means you'll have to paint each feather individually. It looks better in my opinion but it's a whole load of work. Your choice, really.
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Khain mor
Khain mor

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Scourge Wing Tutorial? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scourge Wing Tutorial?   Scourge Wing Tutorial? I_icon_minitimeTue May 13 2014, 19:32

I'm much more a fan of manual painting of all the feathers. I've seen some people go very far in this, going as far as painting each fiber of the feathers, but overall just painting the feathers individually, thne highlights gives a much better result than drybrushing them. I tried the drybrushing, I didn't like the result at all, same thing with the razorwing feathers.

You decide yourself whether you go for quality or just a fast & easy result.

Overall, the people who painted the feathers correctly get much better results.

I'm a competition painter, the drybrushing technique on these doesn't work like it does work on other stuff. I've painted marines, I did achieve good results on wings with drybrushing, but not on these scourges or Razorwing wings.

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Scourge Wing Tutorial? Empty
PostSubject: Re: Scourge Wing Tutorial?   Scourge Wing Tutorial? I_icon_minitimeWed May 14 2014, 13:47

Its really down to the amount of time and effort you have. Plus your skill. If you have an enormous amount of time and a bunch of talent individually painting feathers is something you can do.

However, if you are like myself and have no time and average to poor talent then drybrushing and washing the feathers is a great way to get good results that look really neat on the tabletop and good enough up close. For the bat wings though, Im not sure....

Delicious and Coven-Baked for your Pleasure

A very slow, 30K Salamander Distraction Log: VULKAN LIVES
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PostSubject: Re: Scourge Wing Tutorial?   Scourge Wing Tutorial? I_icon_minitime

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