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 New to DE : 1150 pts, double WWP

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Posts : 32
Join date : 2014-10-05

New to DE : 1150 pts, double WWP Empty
PostSubject: New to DE : 1150 pts, double WWP   New to DE : 1150 pts, double WWP I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 06 2014, 01:11

Hi everyone. So this is my first list ever. Doing a list based on what I have or what I'm going to have soon. What do you think of it ?

Archon : Huskblade, Soul Trap, Shadowfield, Parasite's Kiss, WWP
Total: 175

Haemonculus : Flesh Gauntlet, Liquifier, Armour of Misery, WWP
Total: 145

Kabalite Warriors x10 : Splinter Cannon
Raider : Night Shields, Splinter Racks
Total: 180

Kabalite Warriors x10 : Splinter Cannon
Raider : Night Shields, Splinter Racks
Total: 180

Trueborn x5 : Blaster x3
Venon : Dual Splinter Cannon
Total: 165

Wracks x5 : Ossefactor, Acothyst w/ Venom blade and Liquifier
Total: 100

BloodBride x15 : Hydra Gauntlets x2
Total: 205

Total: 1150

So the Archon goes with the bloodbrides and try to DS in cover. The Haemonculus go with the racks and does the same. What's your opinion on it ? I thought at first giving the Archon a court of Sslyth, but then we play WYSIWYG at my store and a bunch of Sslyth are ust to pricy for my tastes.
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New to DE : 1150 pts, double WWP
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