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 Double WWP - 2k

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Double WWP - 2k Empty
PostSubject: Double WWP - 2k   Double WWP - 2k I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 17 2011, 09:28

Ok, so I'm thinking about doing something nobody else has ever done...

A double WWP list!!!!


Now seriously, into the meat:

(warning: I'm a Spanish player, so some of the items are translations...)

1 x haemunculi + WWP (85)
5 x wracks, 1 liqui (60)
1 x reaver, the 5++ shield, shock prow (75)

1 x haemunculi + WWP (85)
4 x grotesque, 1 liqui (150)

5 x incubi (110)

3 x trueborn, 2 blasters, splinter cannon (assault 4, heavy 6) (76)

2 x 15 witches, grenades, hekatriz, power weapon, net, gauntlet (440)

2 x 10 warrior, lance (230)

3 x 6 bikes, double lance (468)

1 x Talos, extra D6, heat lance (120)

1 x Cronos, Vortex (100)

90 bodies, 1999 points

So, this list is going to face some of the toughest and most competitive players in my area (yey!!!).

As is probably happening around the world, Necrons are the rage, with their swarms+spiders uber combos (real FAQ pending Evil or Very Mad )... but GK (double o triple psyfleman with a NDK, a couple of tough troop options with FnP) are also very common.

Orkz (3 or 4 big mobs with claw, the new scouts combo and lootas) and IG (chimera + vendetta vet spam, psyks, couple of LR, hellhounds, manticore...) are also very popular.

And we should never forget the always present wolf missile spam Smile

Any how, here's the game plan:

For the HQ+2 troops, deploy the haem+wracks+reaver. If I start, go aggresive and try to deploy the WWP something aroung 40 cm (16 inches??) from HIS edge... so the reserves basically hit his side. If I go second, hide like a chicken behind terrain to prevent being blown apart.

In the rest of the missions, I'd also deploy the haem+grotesque. The idea probably being spreading the WWP along the board so I can effectively charge/shoot out of whatever portal I want and "touch" basically all of the board (counting on 13 inches of move, run, assault... conservative, I know).

Cronos is a personal bet: with so many troops around, I need to start pumping them with FnP and FC ASAP!!!

I'll leave it here for now... but comments would be most appreciated!

Good Hunting!
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double WWP - 2k   Double WWP - 2k I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 17 2011, 13:55

Tanhausen wrote:

1 x haemunculi + WWP (85)
5 x wracks, 1 liqui (60)
1 x reaver, the 5++ shield, shock prow (75)

1 x haemunculi + WWP (85)
4 x grotesque, 1 liqui (150)

I would say: drop one Wrack + shockprow + flickerfield (5+ save), put the Grotesques in the Raider and get a Venom for your 4 wracks + Haemi.
So you are able to confuse your opponent with 2 WWP in the first turn and you are able to decide, what portal your reserves are coming from. With just one portal on the table, it is quite easy to block it with some of his troops.

Tanhausen wrote:

5 x incubi

If those arrive on the table and are not able to get into combat the same turn, they have a big targetmarker painted on their heads... Running them across the board wastes their potential.
Perhaps field them in a Venom or drop one Inccubi and join a Haemi w/ WWP in a Venom.

Tanhausen wrote:

3 x trueborn, 2 blasters, splinter cannon

Better give them a third blaster for more AT instead of the SC.

Tanhausen wrote:

2 x 15 witches, grenades, hekatriz, power weapon, net, gauntlet
drop the power weapon and the Gauntlet and equip your hekatrix with agonizers. 15 Witches deal an amazing amount of attacks - but your hekatrix just wounds on a 5+ with its power weapon. The agonizer wounds on 4+ and is also a power weapon.

Tanhausen wrote:

2 x 10 warrior, lance

Drop the lance, get a Blaster instead. So you can move and shoot the first turn they come out of the portal. Perhaps use 3x 5 Warriors w/ 1 Blaster to free 50 points for the venom mentioned above.

Tanhausen wrote:

3 x 6 bikes, double lance

nice AT-force

Tanhausen wrote:

1 x Talos, extra D6, heat lance
1 x Cronos, Vortex

solid choice. I equip my talos with the haywireblaster, so he is able to harm vehicles more easily as he stumbles towards them.

Tanhausen wrote:

Cronos is a personal bet: with so many troops around, I need to start pumping them with FnP and FC ASAP!!!
FnP does not work against powerweapons. Keep that in mind before charging into some psi-weapon wielding GK-Terminators (lost a game due to that. All GK had psiweapons. ridiculous!)

You might have a problem against vehicle-heavy armies. You just start with 1 DL on the battlefield. Perhaps rethink your strategy to field more AT from the beginning (1-2 Groups of Jetbikes for example).

Just my two cent

None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!
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Location : Spain

Double WWP - 2k Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double WWP - 2k   Double WWP - 2k I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 17 2011, 14:55

Thanks a lot for the comments.

I've been playing a Venom/Reaver spam list for months... got bored Smile

So I tried to devise a list with 0 vehicles. But I have to be realistic, I need to deliver 1 WWP midfield in turn 1. The only way to do this, is with either a Venom or a Raider... and reading around the forum, I saw the discussion thread about this issue.

Since I don't carry that much long range AT... I opted for the cheap reaver.

1. Also, one of my concerns is being able to deploy 1 HQ and 2 troops every single game... guess why? Smile That's why I opted for the wracks in reaver.

That being said, I'll give it some thought Smile

2. Incubi... I think its one of the best quality/price units we have. Brutal countercharge unit, if I make it to the "gunline", they're good as dead. Vs an IG 3 remaing incubi smashed through 2 troop and 2 HWT units...all by themselves!!!

3.- Trueborn and hekatrix, its a matter of points. But I'll give it a thought...still have 48h to send my list!

4.- 10 warriors... they are a shameless attempt to camp my base or backfield objectives. I have a feeling that 3 x 5 warriors will just add ANOTHER point for anihilation...and with 2 casualties, I'm done. However, I like the concept Twisted Evil

5.- Power weapons... in my presentation post I've said I'm a long time Dark Angels player. Belial is my best buddy and Sammael rides me to work Razz I know I should only assault terminators or equivalent with witches... or incubi if I have 60+% of beating them


I'm actually thinking that in the only game I can't setup all that I want, I can probably still place the haem+wracks close to mid board... so they might not need the transport.

Anyhow, thanks for the heads up, I appreciate the comments!
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double WWP - 2k   Double WWP - 2k I_icon_minitimeThu Nov 17 2011, 16:46

I am not suggesting a Venom/Raider-Spam. Just one Transport for each WWP will give you more flexibility in deploying your reserves - in all missions.

And with Inccubi AND the Talos AND the Chronos running at your enemy, it is quite possible that the big fat red Crosshair is not on your Inccubi. So they are able to slice thru your opponents army...

None of you seem to understand. I'm not locked in here with you. You're locked in here with me!
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Posts : 75
Join date : 2011-11-17
Location : Spain

Double WWP - 2k Empty
PostSubject: Re: Double WWP - 2k   Double WWP - 2k I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 28 2011, 09:06

Ok...tournament over Smile

The list I took:

Haem + WWP
4 grotesques (1 liqui) in raider

Haem + WWP
4 wracks in Venom

5 incubi

3 Trueborn, 3 blasters

3 x 5 warrios, 1 blaster

2 x 15 wytches, grenades, 1 net, 1 gauntlet, heka with agonizer

3 x 6 bikes, double lance

1 Talos (2d6 attacks, TL heat lance)

1 Cronos (pie template, S4 AP3)

Faced GK (tabled them at anihilation!), necrons (lost 2-0 to bases) and GK again (lost 3-1 to objectives)

All in all, quite happy and plenty of learning:

- The liquifier is GODLIKE! Only used it 2 times... the first one vs 10 terminators...6 hits, 5 wounds, 4 dead terminators... did I say I rolled AP1? Twisted Evil

- I need to read better the game in order to position properly the WWP. In my second game vs necrons, I went aggresive (I started) and he bogged down my access... had to go out through my border.

In the third game, I played conservative... should have set them more aggressive.

You gotta learn Smile

So I got to fidget with points... but I'll probably take away a warrior unit and use those points for the following:

- upgrade the Venom and put more wracks: 4 is useless, at least 5 so I get more liquis.
- Give the haem liquis if possible

Next tournament...10.12.11.
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PostSubject: Re: Double WWP - 2k   Double WWP - 2k I_icon_minitime

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