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 Double CAD

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Count Adhemar
Archon Vitcus
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Archon Vitcus
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PostSubject: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13 2016, 14:49

So thinking of messing around with double CAD of dark eldar. I know a few people have done it before (though I can't find the posts) and was wondering if it's viable to do. Was wanting to maximise ravager count to 6 by using a double cad but just wanting feed back on how it's faired with other that have used it.
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Count Adhemar
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13 2016, 14:55

I recall one of the Frontline Gaming guys used to use it a few years ago but he's playing SM Battle Company these days.

Double CAD YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13 2016, 15:40

I rarely use Ravagers these days.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 13 2016, 17:42

I used one recently in a tournament to maximise my fast attack. important to keep troops to bare minmum so you can fill out the areas you really want. If I had a second Lhamean I probably would have had 1 for each of the HQs.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 14 2016, 12:40

We have a lot of great MSU units, and the double CAD really allows us to capitalize on them.

3 man Mandrakes are 36 points and are great for grabbing/harrassing stuff.

Beast masters are 10 points for units of 1.

Lhameans are 10 points for units of 1. Can take a venom so you dont use up your FA slots.

Its hard to get more point efficiency than warrior venoms (dual SC obviously), and the ObSec is just icing.

Ravagers can be nice. They are my go-to AT these days, since they help take fire away from the Grot raiders.

I recall a while back a guy was playing a campaign, and had to play at a large point defficiency, but was allowed to go Unbound. The consensus of us Archons was to spam 10 point beast masters in units of 1 XD. I wish the guy posted his results, I would have loved to see someone face 35 units of single models.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeFri Oct 14 2016, 19:48

This looks like a very interesting idea.

I just modified my list and the sheer MSU value (12 units) of it with x2 CoD's bringing ObjSec looks pretty bangin. I'll definitely be giving this a test at some point very soon.

Here is what my Double CoD list looks like at 1500pts.

First Detachment, Combined Arms
HQ - Court of Arch (75pts)
Lahmean in a Venom w/dual Splin Can

Troops (105pts)
x5 Warriors in a Vemon w/dual Splin Can

Troops (105pts)
x5 Warriors in a Vemon w/dual Splin Can

Troops (105pts)
x5 Warriors in a Vemon w/dual Splin Can

Fast Attack (120pts)
x5 Scourges w/x4 Haywire Blasters

Fast Attack (110pts)
x5 Scourges w/x3 Haywire Blasters

Second Detachment, Combined Arms
HQ - Court of Arch (75pts)
Lahmean in a Venom w/dual Splin Can

Troops (157pts)
x9 Warriors in a Raider w/Night Shields + Splinter Racks

Troops (157pts)
x9 Warriors in a Raider w/Night Shields + Splinter Racks

Fast Attack (255pts
x10 Reavers w/ x2 Caltrops, x3 Blasters
Arena Champion w/Agoniser (WARLORD)

Fast Attack (120pts)
x5 Scourges w/x4 Heat Lances

Fast Attack (110pts)
x5 Scourges w/x3 Heat Lances

Total Points: 1494

NOTE: Because the Arena Champ is the Warlord and he is a character, this will still let me take a WT for him.
ALL of the WT's out of the DE Codex are pretty great for a character that is meant to go into combat.
However, This does not mean Ill be sending the unit at high powered CC's units.
Also, because PfP benefits more CC oriented units, the later the game goes on, the better the Reavers will perform.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 17 2016, 00:30

Generally you want the reavers in multiples of 3. Use thos points for special weapoms in the scourges.
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Archon Vitcus
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeTue Oct 18 2016, 12:04

Usually I do use scourges with haywire blasters, but just trying something else since scourges are usually a number one target for most heavy armour armies.

was thinking of fielding 6 ravagers, 4 bearing dark lances while the last two would keep the Diss cannons (which I've found to be exceptionally good at killing riptides) while the troops would be 4 warriors squads in venoms, a succubus and lhamae as HQ a bunch grots and reavers for favour
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Count Adhemar
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Count Adhemar

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20 2016, 09:22

Played double CAD last night against Space Wolves. Game was the Scouring, which didn't help when I had 6 FA units and he had 1 Smile

List was basically 2 x [Lhamaen in Venom, 2 x 5 Warriors in Venoms, 3 x 3 Reavers with Heat Lance and Cluster Caltrops, 3 x Ravager (2 Tri-Lance, 1 Stock)] but swapping 1 unit of Reavers in the 2nd CAD for a unit of 10 Khymerae and a Beastmaster.

Opponent conceded at the bottom of turn 3 as I controlled all 6 objectives and he only had 3 units left on the table.

Double CAD YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20 2016, 11:02

Yeah... that'll do it. Cool
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Count Adhemar
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Count Adhemar

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20 2016, 11:14

Tell a lie, he had 5 units, but two were drop pods that weren't on objectives so I was ignoring them.

Slightly off topic but the SW psychic power from the Fenris book, The Living Storm, is absolutely brutal! He was rolling 4d6 shots and each To Hit roll of 6 generates an additional 2 hits. One casting of this power generated 4 glances and 17 pens against one of my Venoms. Granted, I laughed at the sheer level of overkill for one 65 point vehicle, but at S7 that would annihilate pretty much any unit in our codex.

Double CAD YhBv3Wk
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Archon Vitcus
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeThu Oct 20 2016, 15:20

Living storm.....yup, been there and had it remove a unit of grots

Shame the Libby died next turn
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23 2016, 08:39

Count Adhemar wrote:
List was basically 2 x [Lhamaen in Venom, 2 x 5 Warriors in Venoms, 3 x 3 Reavers with Heat Lance and Cluster Caltrops, 3 x Ravager (2 Tri-Lance, 1 Stock)] but swapping 1 unit of Reavers in the 2nd CAD for a unit of 10 Khymerae and a Beastmaster.

How does the beast pack work for you?

Ive thought about trying them but always went with more reavers or some hayscourges.
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Count Adhemar
Dark Lord of Granbretan
Count Adhemar

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeSun Oct 23 2016, 21:51

Sadly they did nothing on this occasion. I got a turn 1 charge in on a unit of Thunderwold Cavalry but they basically bounced off it (I think they killed 1), lost about 5 or 6 dogs in reply, failed their break test and were, embarrassingly caught in the sweeping advance Embarassed

I had them in the list to hold up either TWC or Wulfen for a turn or 2 but the change from a 4++ to 5++ really hurt their resilience.

Double CAD YhBv3Wk
You have been weighed, you have been measured, and you have been found wanting. In what world could you possibly beat me?
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24 2016, 10:09

Count Adhemar wrote:
Sadly they did nothing on this occasion. I got a turn 1 charge in on a unit of Thunderwold Cavalry but they basically bounced off it (I think they killed 1), lost about 5 or 6 dogs in reply, failed their break test and were, embarrassingly caught in the sweeping advance Embarassed

So not good. Not surprised honestly.  Rolling Eyes

Count Adhemar wrote:
I had them in the list to hold up either TWC or Wulfen for a turn or 2 but the change from a 4++ to 5++ really hurt their resilience.

I miss my old dogs and birds beastpack, used to be a workhorse unit in all my old lists. Sad Sometimes with the Baron. Crying or Very sad
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitimeMon Oct 24 2016, 13:19

Ya, one of my first units (and one of the reasons I picked DE in the first place) was the Beastpack. Tried to make them worthwhile, but to no avail. Now they are just cheap-fast objective grabbers/ enemy-annoyers. Work well in that regard for 30 pts.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD   Double CAD I_icon_minitime

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