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 Kabalite warrior builds

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PostSubject: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15 2014, 17:26

So there's been quite a discussion going on regarding raiders and venoms for kabalite warriors.

We've done some work on efficiencies but what we're really looking for is a comprehensive list of what builds people think are viable so that we can run some mathammer on them and provide a detailed tactica.

I'll kick things off to start, please feel free to add builds you use for your warrior units and I'll incorporate them into the work.

Raider builds
10 warriors in raider with dark lance, splinter racks
10 warriors in raider with dark lance, splinter racks and night shields
10 warriors with splinter cannon in raider with dark lance, splinter racks
10 warriors with splinter cannon in raider with dark lance, splinter racks and night shields
5 warriors in raider with dark lance
5 warriors in raider with dark lance, splinter racks
5 warriors in raider with dark lance, splinter racks and night shields
5 warriors with blaster in raider with dark lance
5 warriors with blaster in raider with dark lance, splinter racks
5 warriors with blaster in raider with dark lance, splinter racks and night shields

Venom builds
5 warriors in venom with two splinter cannons
5 warriors with blaster in venom with two splinter cannons

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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15 2014, 17:37

Optional to the build that include a blaster, you should add the Sybarite with Haywire Grenade. It's short range but it adds another AT weapon to the squad.

Another build that I think could be interesting is a horde.
2+ 20 man Warrior Squads with some special weapons and a Haemonculus from the Coven book giving them Fearless from turn 1.
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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15 2014, 18:48

The extent to which our late game Power From Pain bonuses favor assaults has me wondering if melee Sybarites might be worthwhile.

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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15 2014, 19:23

10 Warriors with DL, Raider with DL. Deploy Warriors in cover for two-target, relatively tough to remove Lances.

Sybarites with HWG and Agoni could work too against walkers, MCs and MEQ.
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSat Nov 15 2014, 20:10

Vanilla raider boat with vanilla warriors and just splinter racks (maybe disintegrator for even less point cost)
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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 16 2014, 13:36

Izaeus wrote:
Vanilla raider boat with vanilla warriors and just splinter racks (maybe disintegrator for even less point cost)

Was about to post this. Only occasionally a syb too, just for the leadership bump.
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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 16 2014, 16:32

I think Burning Eye's approach is really solid.

Another way of looking at it would be to identify the jobs our Kabalites can do, try to optimize them for that role, and then check if we have other ways of doing it better or more efficiently.

The roles I can think of, and my best guesses for how to build them, are:

Splinter rack gun boat: fast, short-ranged anti-personnel. I think I would leave off the splinter cannon, because I don't think the two extra shots are worth 15 points, and the dark lance, because this raider is probably going to be jinking every turn; I would give it a night shield for the same reason.

Tank hunters: five Kabalites, blaster, Sybarite with haywire grenades. I'm not sure what their ride should be, but I'm guessing a raider for the lance, unless a case can be made that the venom will be better able to get them within blaster (or haywire grenade) range.

Objective holders: they want to sit on an objective on a table edge while their transport (whichever version you think you need more of) does other things. Five Kabalites with no upgrades seems fine. If they're coming from a raider, then ten Kabalites with a dark lance might be a good plan. Mostly they want to be left alone.

Center table objective holders: sit on an objective and shoot anything that moves. Definitely ten Kabalites, and it's tempting to give them all the ham, because of the scope of situations they're liable to find themselves in. I'd give them a blaster and a splinter cannon. I'm not sure about a sybarite. Alternatively, if they're just going to spend every turn gone to ground, then they shouldn't get any ham.

What do you guys think? Are there other jobs for Kabalites, or more optimal builds for these ones?

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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeSun Nov 16 2014, 17:46

for me i think the splintercannon on warriors/trueborn is dead.
its 30 points for 2 pieces that dont want to be moving for all the shots and range
Just get a venom for more AI fire if you need it, its 65pts threat bubble of 48", its got armor and all you want.
I think we almost never have to worry about having enough AI, its always about more AT

so, it really comes down to a blaster or DL squad of warriors.
DL squad needs 10 guys so thats 9 rifles wasted if shooting at a tank, AND it costs almost as much as a Ravager = not an option for me.
Then we're left with 5-10 guys with a blaster, since we cant take two blaster for 10 guys it almost forces you to take just the minimum 5.

My conclusion: if you're going to take AT warriors its 5 guys + Blaster in a Raider/venom, depends how the rest of the army is and just spam the hell out of it.

think about it, movable dark lances on the raider vs the unmovable 100point unit plus five guys maybe one with the Blaster, depends on your list really if you want to spend that extra 15 for the AT dedication
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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitimeMon Nov 17 2014, 06:46

All the warriors are raider bound so far but for maximum Combined Arms/ally shenanigans, does anyone out there just run a basic 5 man warrior squad on foot? True, it has no staying power, but it unlocks more of our glorious fast attack slots (+ all the others ), helps retain the Objective Secured rule, which tops real space raiders and may be an ok way of filling out a list with limited points in the kitty.

Kia Kaha, Dark Eldar players!
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PostSubject: Re: Kabalite warrior builds   Kabalite warrior builds I_icon_minitime

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