I wanted to get some advice on building an army around the models I own. I've been mostly collecting models that I like for a while now, having spent all of 6th edition being blasted apart and sewn back together. I'm looking to build a force that uses the DE codex with some "Path of the Outcast" Corsair flavor. I already have a few Raiders and a couple boxes of Kabalites and Wyches (oh, what to do with those Wyches....), but I'm having a hard time finding a battlefield role for the following:
10x Fantasy Black Ark Corsairs w/ handbows (+ a converted "epic Kaya" from Hordes)
10x Fantasy Black Ark Corsairs w/ extra hand weapon
Here are 5x Kabalites (Trueborn?)
Here are some "evil elf" type models I will definitely throw in
I also own the Mage Hunter Strike force from Warmachine and Tharn Bloodtrackers from Hordes, which I'd like to include. Reference pics:
http://cdn.miniaturemarket.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/P/I/PIP35014.jpg AND http://cdn.miniaturemarket.com/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/PIP72071.jpg
Any thoughts? The plan at this point is using all the Black Ark Corsairs as Kabalites (the monkeigh would never see the splinter rifles anyway) and use the Kabalite kit for Trueborn. It's not a big deal if I can't find a believable "counts as" for the WM stuff, but I was thinking about using them as Eldar allies (I think the MHSF looks way better than Eldar Guardians).
Just for fun, here's my attempt at Fantasy/Grimdark Incubi: