Hi all,
New DE player here looking to start off small and move up to slightly less small (500pts then to 1000pts).
I am making a coven army and really wanted to utilise my favourite models.
Not looking for anything majorly competitive , just wanna roll lots of dice! and major win a game or two
For my 500pts i was thinking something like...
Haemonculous x2
Grotesques (3)
Wracks (5)
Then when moving upto 1000pts...
Haemonculous x2
Grotesques (3) + Raider
Wracks (5) + venom x2
And the Harlequin 'Cast of players' formation.
Are these reasonable starting lists? Do i miss out by going by the FOC rather than the individual formations (apart from the obvious?)
Like i said , I'm really new and although I want to play coven because i love those models and the style , i dont want to lose every single game and get disheartened.
Any input would be hugely appreciated!