Hello Dark City,
As suggested on this forum, i'm here to introduce myself!
I'm in the UK, around the Oxford area, 23 years old and love the look and fluff with Dark Eldar (also the challenge to play
I'll be starting to collect DE in a couple of weeks having spent around 8 years not playing (at which point i really had no idea what i was doing with space marines).
In the interim before I actually start, I have been listening to lots of Splintermind (which is awesome) and trying to think of a reasonable order to collect my models in. I'll probably start with either a succubus or an archon and some Kabalites.
I'm stuck for a colour scheme though, I'd like something a little bit more original than the standard in the codex, has anyone got any ideas for inspiration? I'd like it to be fairly dark and also include a dark green of some sort...
Thanks and raid on.