So i have the list ready for next tournament and its 1500p and with a comp system. I posted a version of it earlier here but since its a comp tournament the list is hard to discuss unless people are interrested with the sytem itself.
Anyhow. I was forced to cancel this weekends 2k tournament and the list i had ready have been played some and ive always wanted to play a semi WWP with some vehicles. Yes i am aware of that DE don't do well mixing it up like that. But that does not bother me at all, actually it inspires me more.
I have earlier posted some Harlequin themed lists and this one is aswell. Harlequins, Harlequin Jetbikes and then the taloses will be wraithlords with the Harlequin jetbike front as a head. So still the theme but this time we got vehicles in the army. Ive tried it once and fell in love right away.
Actually insteed ot talking about the list let me post it. This is what i will be playing against my friends for the nearest futuure, well atleast against those who dont want to play 1500p and give me a chance to practice the tournament list. The one i am about to post will be built for a tournament thats coming up this spring so its alot of time left but i tend to stick to playing one list for a long time nowdays.
Oh well here it comes, i'l explain some basic strategies with it further down.
Baron Von Sathonyx 105
Haemonculus: wwp 85
Haemonculus: wwp 85
5 Harlequins: 2 kisses, shadowseer 128
5 Harlequins: 4 kisses, 1 fusion pistol 116
5 Harlequins: 4 kisses, 1 fusion pistol 116
5 Wracks: liquifier gun, venom with 2 sc 125
5 Wracks: liquifier gun, venom with 2 sc 125
15 Warriors: blaster, splinter cannon, sybarite 170
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 sc 125
5 Warriors: blaster, venom with 2 sc 125
3 Reavers: heat lance 78
3 Reavers: heat lance 78
2 Beastmasters: 4 khymereas, 2 razorwing flocks 102
Talos: chain-flails, heat lance 120
Talos: chain-flails, heat lance 120
Voidraven bomber: 4 mono's, flickerfield 195
total: 1998
models: 74
So the army has 5 Vehicles only. Yeah thats not alot. It still works pretty well to go all out reserv if needed. As a wwp player one gets used to not getting in what you want i suppose. Regarding the Wracks, they have several purposes depending on what i am up against. Ive been using one of the worst tactics ever with this list and others for some time. If i go first then in this case Wracks can reserv and come true the portal or walk on if they wish to secure a quarter or objective. The two units of 5 Harlequins with a pistol deploys outside the Wracks venoms and mounts up turn one to go into position.
One Haemonculus joins the shadowseer unit and the other along with the baron joins the warriors to provide fnp and stealth. The problem with this list is Dawn of War. However the tournament missions we often uses is the ones from the tournament i was supposed to go to this weekend and DoW was not in it. They have made up own deployment rules so it works. If DoW would be a factor then one of the Wrack units would have to drop down to 4 so i can fit in a Haemonculus there to deliver a portal for me, if i dont get to go first. I know i know this is a really crap tactic but it has been fun to use and worked pretty good overall.
One could run the wracks as just 3's with a venom but he 5 men strong unit can be a arse for the opponent when exiting the portal. Coming out and flaming something and then join in for a assault.
As always i am low on darklight weapons. I am working on getting in a few more.
Of course the two Harlequin units do go into reserv in some games, it really depends on opponent and deployment and lots of other things.
It is a fun list and will be beautiful to look at. The question is what are your thoughts on it? Remember i do play in a very competetive envoirment. However i seem to bring crap every single time. Not that i dont have the option to run more standard and alot stronger lists, mainly cause i love these kind of armys. Also doing the semi mech / wwp is something i really do enjoy.
Perhaps there is someone else who tried simmilar things out?