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 Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 02 2017, 20:09

Has anyone ever tried a list with 6 Ravagers w/ dark lances instead of taking the haywire granades? seems like you could do alot of damage the first and 2nd turn taking about nearly everything  big and scary letting your venom's and ravengers mop up the rest

something like a
2x llhmeans - venom w/ dual cannon

5 x 5 warriors w/ dual cannon

fast attack
6x3 revears w/ cc

6 x 3 lance Ravagers

18 Lance shots is no joke maybe a bit over kill but no joke.

Last edited by sumguy777 on Fri Feb 03 2017, 18:29; edited 1 time in total
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeThu Feb 02 2017, 21:17

Not sure if I'm allowed to post stuff like this here but I'll go for it anyways. Here's an interesting battlerep from a fellow Dark Eldar player who spammed Scourges with blasters in a tournament. I hope it allows you some insight on blaster spam.

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 00:06

I don't know about those batreps from reddit...he would have had to get pretty lucky to take out almost 3 wraithknights using blasters.

To the OP: I personally think massed ravagers can be effective due to their long range, resilience, and maneuverability compared to our other anti-tank options.

That said, they're still not great when compared to other factions stuff, like eldar hornets that get 1 more S8 shot for 45 points less, or D-weapons that take off multiple hullpoints per hit. If you're limited by detachment limits and/or don't want to use allies(or can't), then they're not a bad option. They aren't as good offensively as scourges, but they're more resilient with a longer range, so they have a better chance to live longer.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 00:44

Honestly, 3-6 Ravagers is the only way to play Ravagers, though they are still not as strong as what other allied factions can bring. If you're bringing only 1 or 2 Ravagers they'll get focused down turn 1 while your shorter ranged anti tank tech moves into position/arrives from deep strike. If you're bothering to place a Ravager on the table, you may as well commit fully to it, and place at least 2-5 more down as well.

They're not as cheap and efficient as tank hunters (their Aerial Assault rule is sorely missed) as they were in 5th edition, nor are they as filthy and multipurpose as they used to be with their 2nd edition rules (When Disintegrators made marine players rage quit). However, Ravagers in 7th still perform a reasonable job for a somewhat reasonable price*, and people who don't know much about Dark Eldar seem to think they're scarier than they actually are.

Your list in particular has an obnoxious amount of 36" weapons, so your best option is to abuse your range and make your first shooting phase a crippling one. If you're not in a position with each Ravager to fire 2-3 Dark Lances from turn 1, you're wasting your points on these 6 Ravagers.

* Corsair and/or Eldar Hornets are kind of like Ravagers except better in almost all regards, so even though I quite like Ravagers, I'll never think of them as optimum choices...

Also, that source supposedly kills multiple Wraithknights in a single turn, with nothing more than Blasters? Unless they mistyped, and meant Wraithlords, I'm calling BS.

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 02:08

hydranixx wrote:

Also, that source supposedly kills multiple Wraithknights in a single turn, with nothing more than Blasters? Unless they mistyped, and meant Wraithlords, I'm calling BS.

It wasn't in a single turn. It was over the course of a game, but still, blasters aren't great against wraithknights. For starters, you have to be in assault range just to shoot them, so if you don't kill them, they can almost guarantee an assault on you.

But anyhow, it's a reddit post and the guy isn't here to explain, so no point in mulling it over too much.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 03:53

He mentioned something about 3 squads of Blaster scourge dropping in. But that's still 12 lucky blaster shots. I'm assuming the venoms poured fire in too.
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 06:09

so could you field an effective army with 4-6 ravengers and if so why do so many lists only run about 2?
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 07:22

please write Ravagers right....
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 10:24

I played with 5 Ravagers in a tournament last year, only went 2-3, but attribute 2 of those losses to play mistakes made by me. Sad (dark elder are not a forgiving army if not played correctly.)

here's the link -

That list had a lot of AT (25-26) and I think I would play it again or something very similar.

Doubling out models is nice (4th round match up - flesh hounds) but most of the time things you will face are T5 (space wolf riders, bikes, juggernauts, death guard etc.) still you can keep them somewhat honest with your AP2 weapons.
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Count Adhemar
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Count Adhemar

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 10:40

If I'm playing double CAD then I will usually bring 6 Ravagers along. In that sort of number they can make a difference, although they're far from excellent. However I recently discovered the Hornet Swarm formation from Doom of Mymeara which lets me bring a squadron of 3 Hornets as a standalone formation with a couple of special rules so now there's really little reason to consider Ravagers Sad

Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers YhBv3Wk
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 11:18

Jeah it sort of shows balance sucks when for half the points you can bring the same thing in different codex.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 11:32

I own one but I´m actually not really convinced of taking them anymore. I´d rather take more Venoms instead. Put a Sybarite with a Haywire in it and a blaster and you got a similar anti tank potential. Sure, the range is shorter but you get even more Splinter fire too and more scoring Units and I think it would be a glorious sight starting with 12+ Venoms on the board.

Damn... I really need more Venoms.

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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 21:07

Count Adhemar wrote:
If I'm playing double CAD then I will usually bring 6 Ravagers along. In that sort of number they can make a difference, although they're far from excellent. However I recently discovered the Hornet Swarm formation from Doom of Mymeara which lets me bring a squadron of 3 Hornets as a standalone formation with a couple of special rules so now there's really little reason to consider Ravagers Sad

im sorry im not seeing how they are better than multiple ravagers

i do see they are 1.5 points cheaper per dark lance and hull points but other than that they seem like the same thing? going to another codex for that doesnt seem worth it. especially with the multiple detachment required and the limitation on how many.

plus they have to all shoot at he same target where as the ravagers can split op their fire power.
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Count Adhemar
Dark Lord of Granbretan
Count Adhemar

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeFri Feb 03 2017, 21:40

sumguy777 wrote:
Count Adhemar wrote:
If I'm playing double CAD then I will usually bring 6 Ravagers along. In that sort of number they can make a difference, although they're far from excellent. However I recently discovered the Hornet Swarm formation from Doom of Mymeara which lets me bring a squadron of 3 Hornets as a standalone formation with a couple of special rules so now there's really little reason to consider Ravagers Sad

im sorry im not seeing how they are better than multiple ravagers

i do see they are 1.5 points cheaper per dark lance and hull points but other than that they seem like the same thing? going to another codex for that doesnt seem worth it. especially with the multiple detachment required and the limitation on how many.

Hornets with 2 pulse lasers (the most effective version) are 80 points each. A Ravager with Dark Lances is 125. They are both fast skimmers but the Hornet is not open-topped. They are both BS4, AV 11/11/10. The Ravager has 1 extra HP, Deep Strike and Night Vision but the Hornet has Star Engines, Scout, Acute Senses and Skimmer Assault (which lets it snapfire after going flat out). Most importantly, the Hornet fires 4 S8 AP2 shots at 48" range whilst moving 12" per turn vs the Ravagers 2 S8 AP2 Lances (plus 1 snapfiring) at 36" range.

Hornets are, quite simply, superior vehicles.

Quote :
plus they have to all shoot at he same target where as the ravagers can split op their fire power.

True but when I can buy 3 Hornets for less than the cost of 2 Ravagers and can take multiple formations of them if needed then I don't really mind.

Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers YhBv3Wk
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 04 2017, 00:01

i was looking at the bright lances. Okay i can see wt your talking about now yes, they are way better than a ravager (assuming you don't need the lance which you shouldn't) thank you for pointing it that out
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeSat Feb 04 2017, 03:05

This is why in my fandex I tried to improve Ravagers in part by improving Dark Lances to have a secondary Firing mode where they drop the lance rule and 1 point of Strength for 2 shots.  It is nice to have the Lance rule in your backpocket, but becomes inefficient when facing anything other than 13+ vehicles, and I think that is our single biggest AT problem:  We are great against armies that try to bring a lot of Land Raiders but nobody does this, most people are spamming AV 12 or below and we're inefficient against that match-up.

That was not the only fix I applied to Ravagers. I also gave them the options to take Flickerfields and OG Nightshields (under the name Void-arrays), and of course I gave them Aerial-assault back. I still don't see why GW felt the need to take that away from us. Why did Ravagers need a nerf? We're Scourges not selling well enough?

My 8th edition fandex is complete enough for appraisal (note that I completed it before any previews had been released) .  I'm sure there are inconsistencies, please let me know where they lie as you find them.  Thank you!  Click here for fandex
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Kabalite Warrior

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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitimeMon Feb 06 2017, 09:45

I would be happy if they could swap dis. cannons for dark lances for free and had an option for void lances or combine 3 dark lance for focused fire D shot. + aerial assault back for sure.
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PostSubject: Re: Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers   Double CAD w/ 6 Ravagers I_icon_minitime

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