This army is composed of both the Fast Attack and Heavy Support detachments, I think it's a healthy mix of anti infantry and anti tank weapons and packs a punch in close combat.
Haemonculus w/Electrocorrosive Whip 83pts
Succubus 72pts
Beastmaster 60
4x Grotesques w/Liquifier Gun 160
Raider w/Dark Lance 115
5x Kabalites w/Blaster 50
Venom w/2x Splinter Cannons 95
5x Wracks w/Liquifier Gun 68
Venom w/2x Splinter Cannons 95
Heavy Support
Ravager w/3x Dark Lances 155
Ravager w/3x Dark Lances 155
Talos 126
Fast Attack
1x Razorwing Flocks 7
2x Razorwing Flocks 14
9x Khymerae 90
Razorwing Jet fighter w/2x Dark Lances
I'd dump the Khymerae, Beastmaster and Succubus to pick up another Venom riding squad of Kabalites with a Blaster, an Archon and a couple more Razorwings and have a Battalion for +3CP, that seems better.